Tonsil cancer

Newly diagnosed Tonsil Cancer - sorry it's a long one !!!

I am 46 years old and my world was been turned upside down.

I found a lump on the right side of my neck, now this lump had appeared back in May 2017 for about 2 weeks but disappeared as quick as it came. Therefore I left it and typically ignored it. So NOW this lump is back........I waited two weeks it didn't go, attendedGP's advised to have antibiotics for one week if still there to come back at get referred for ultraseeound.

November 15th 2017 - Attended clinic, had ultrasound and fine needle aspiration, left clinic with doctor saying he thinks it suspicious  of Lymphoma or brachial cyst.

November 16th 2017- Telephone call to attend MRI on 22/11/17.

November 17th 2017 - Telephone call to attend PETCT on 21/11/17.

The telephone call for the PET scan came late on the friday evening, this scan request worried me. Its a PET scan I couldn't help thinking they use this test to STAGE!!!! OMG this means ive got cancer!!! I got to prepare my family for this!!!


Anyway i'm the type of person who likes to protect everyone else's feelings even if it means neglecting mine.

I attended both Scans not the most pleasant experiences but hey ho needs must!!

D-DAY 22nd November 2017 (my husbands birthday)

I went to clinic with my husband and son as I knew it was bad news!!! (don't get me wrong I'm not a quivering mess or woo me). They are both trying to be positive. The clinic was delay by an hour due to delivering bad news to another patient...... my son (26) bless him said oh that means your ok! I explained its doesn't quiet work that way.

We went into the room and there was my answer right there!!!!!! .......... The cancer diagnosis........the BIG C and no one had even said a word. ................The Macmillan nurse sat there in the room!!!

The consultant examined me and then said unfortunately I had cancer, the fine needle aspiration of my neck lymph node had shown cancerous cells. The MRI scan had confirmed my Right tonsil to be the primary.

The PETCT results are not back!!!

The likely pathway as explained that day in clinic is.

Biopsies under GA and remove any problematic teeth.

Surgery then to remove tonsils etc and radical neck for 6 weeks then 12 weeks of radiotherapy (mon-fri)

This is if the PET hasn't changed the outcome. The results are back but the consultant has to tell me and that will be biopsies surgery day.

So fingers crossed it has spread anywhere else.

Is my planned pathway much different to anyone elses?

I will update with staging !

On Thursday 30th November I was admitted to theatre for a biopsy of my right tonsil, examination of throat and mouth and extraction of 1 tooth that had root damage.

I was very nervous but this is the easy step....... RIGHT?

I feel a little rough following this surgery...... very tired, but then was very tired before so think that do with the cancer not the surgery!! Throat is a little tender but nothing that has stopped me eating!!! Making the most of it while I can.

The good news I woke up too is that they were no signs the cancer had spread in my mouth and that my PETCT scan was clear.

So left hospital with an outpatient appointment for December 7th.

My biopsy results, scan etc will be discussed at Aintree Head and Neck MDT on December 6th.

So The 7th should be bring some answers to my treatment plan. My consultant has asked me to consider my options and think about questions for the outpatient appointment.

Options prior to MDT:

Radio chemo therapy no surgery

Surgery tonsils lasered, radical neck dissection then radiotherapy

As above with chemo/radio

My first thought is take it all away and blast it with everything they can!!! But in relatity it's not that simple is it!! I need to consider side effects and complications.

The specialist nurse has said to increase my calorie intake prior to surgery but being on the chunky monkey side I don't feel I need to do this..... I have enough padding to be able to lose some through the treatment.

If we can all support each other we CAN and WILL beat this.



  • Hi Maris

    It is a lot to take in and know what you mean as all so fast and confusing.
    As far as bloods go, and only by my experience, they test for all sorts and I had various bloods tested along the way. So who looked up blood tests to cause the confusion or was that just part of the overall testing being done.
    Scan and biopsy will show up anything untoward and should take around 10-14 days for results.
    So were you already booked in to have tonsils removed ? and they had a further look yesterday?

    In so many cases they will double check and does not automatically mean anything sinister but I'm kind of confused with the timeline of events so as you have indicated as well, I would suggest that now you have had a chance to draw breath, you phone up dept or upport team and ask them to clarify what they are actually testing for and why was liver/kidneys mentioned.
    I think at this stage, I would try and get some initial clarify to find out a little more on current situation.
    It does seem a little confusing but please seek clarity for your peace of mind if nothing else.
    Good luck with tonsil removal and to be honest, its a little challenging recovering from but please feel free to friend request if you want to chat on a one to one basis and if you feel i can help in anyway at all



  • Hi Ian

    thank you for replying , I wasn’t due for tonsils out had had swollen tonsil for about 9 weeks, had really bad throat pain and lump on side of neck  , drs said virus on the three occasions I went , on the third occasion I insisted on an ENT appointment , then that was yesterday , she never mentioned liver and kidney but sent me for two blood tests I googled what they for ? Got phone call today to have tonsils out Monday 


  • Hi Maria

    have got your PM request and I have sent you a reply in private messaging
    Advice I would normally say to all though is to please stay off Google. There is so much mis information out there as wel as being out of date and there is always a good chance of self diagnosing something sinister when majority of cases really quite unfounded.



  • Thank you again your so kind 

  • Hello all

    Hi I’ve just come across this site an been reading how people have been gettin on with tonsil cancer I was diagnosed in December left tonsil had 3 lymph nodes out an it was found i 1 of them I started treatment 14th January 5 sessions of cemo but only managed 3 an 30 sessions of radiotherapy I’m almost 12 weeks from treatment an I’m still struggling with eatin my mouth is still sore I’m on 6ensures a day I struggle to get anything down if I do my mouth just goes sore I’m due to have a scan on the 20th of this month but I’m thinking it’s to soon they have said it might still show up that something is there but doesn’t mean it cancer it could just mean that it hasn’t healed properly yet an if it does they would leave me 4 weeks till 16weeks out of treatment an scan me again so I don’t see point of the scan or am I working my self up over nothing an just get it out the way I have posted this somewhere on this site then noticed these messages so copied an pasted it on a reply so not sure if Ive done it right x 

  • Hi Nicola , so sorry to hear your news , I got told by ENT on Wednesday just gone my tonsil looks suspicious after being told by drs for the last nine weeks it’s viral , going for tonsils out in the morning , ******** my self is an understatement , did you have tonsils out straight away ? I’m so confused as was on my own and couldn’t take it all in , I know you prob don’t wanna hear other people’s worries as you are worried yourself but I’m just so confused and trying not to google ! Really hope u stay well and from what other people have said it’s a highly curable one , still doesn’t stop you worrying though 

    thank you 


  • Hi Nicola,

    Am sorry to hear of your diagnosis and joining our unwanted little club.
    You will have see from a few of the posts that some recover quicker than others while ome take a little longer. I'm same as you and taking longer to recover and struggled with appetite and fatigue being the main ones post treatment. I lost a lot of weight in a short period of time and was on 6 ensures a day for a period and then stopped. I was then put back on supplements around 6 weeks ago and have been told to take them for at least another month and my treatment stopped last November so its been a long haul.
    I would say its better now and am able to east most thngs again but still have fatigue issues and sleep is still fragmented and still get really tired. How is your fatigue doing as there is a correlation with your diet/appetite etc with fatigue. I went back to my support team around 6 weeks ago and they explained a little more about good calories and wasted calories and should concentrate on nurtitional value etc.
    I have kept a blog from the get go, warts and all and it pretty much logs my journey throughout with the timelines broken up into sections as well as a section with many tips picked up along the way. Ive posted the link below for you to have a look at and you might find it a helpful insight.
    As for your scan its pretty normal to have CT/PET scan after 3 months but like yourself, I was warned there is a high chance of what they call false positives as the back of throat will still have swelling and may show up lights from from the dye they put in. I was told if that were the case, dont worry about it and they would wait another 3 months and do again and this would happen in approx 60% of patients according to my consultant.
    I suppose one of the benefits is that, like myself, it showed I had a positive response to treatment so it does lift your spirits although it does not mean, like a lot of people around me assumed, that all my side effects would magically disappear overnight.
    I understand your point of view but from a clinical point of view its probably some baramoter how treatment went and how back throat is in some detail, but with the kicker that you might need re done again in few mths time.
    Its a double edge as you will be pleased to get a positive response but frustrated at maybe having to have re done. I would say the thing is to try not to overthink the scan thing,although not always easy, but recogise we know in advance and told there is a high chance of false positive readings and not to be alarmed about.
    I hope this helps in some way, but please keep me posted with progress and let me know if there is anything I can do to help in anyway at all. Also happy of you wanted to friend request if its easier for you to chat more on a one to one basis and for posting/replying.

    Stay positive my friend and the succcess rate from this treatment is really high and the light at the end of the tunnel really exists. It just comes with really naff side effcets over quite along period of time

    kind regards

  • Hello Maria yes they did act straight away as soon as my results came back from the pet scan did take them from July tho I had biopsy, cameras ultrasound an cat scan and all showed up everything was fine I felt fine aswel wasn’t expecting the news I had all I had was a lump on my neck as if I had swollen glands on the 1 side it was only that another doctor wanted a pet scan they done it other wise they was just goin to remove the lump so I’m grateful he wanted the pet scan and no if u have any more questions go ahead an I’m worried I have 4 children to look after they have already seen me go down hill once I couldn’t bare them seein me like it again it is pain full having the tonsil out but not for 2 long good luck an please keep me updated xxx 

  • hello Ian thanks for replying to me i think I’m finding it hard as I usually heal quickly but I guess not with this  an I’m not to bad I’m not sleeping in the day I have 4children that keep me on my toes an I love it I love that they keep me busy an if I am tired I don’t get chance to rest I find if I do rest I’m thinking to much my neck an cheeks are swollen still An was your throat still abit sore when u have the scan? An I done quite well with the weight I only lost about 6lb an put it straight back on I’m not a big girl anyway so they was worried if I did loose it cuz I couldn’t afford to but I kept it up an I’m not sure how to add you as a friend but would Be great if u could add me an I will be definitely reading your blog thank you xx 

  • Hi Nicola I am 8 month post radiotherapy for tonsilmcancer I have a detailed blog where I detail mybtreatmentband recovery it’s difficult but if you read it hopemit gives you some tips  ask away any questions these is a link to ian who is Anchor 1707 blog on it as well

    good luck mynscan was at 16/ weeks all clear still having saliva issue but living my life 
