Lung Cancer Treatments if have COPD

Hello, I'm sorry to bother you but our 73 year old dad has just been diagnosed with lung cancer this week (I think it is non small cell T3).  The dr didn't give us hardly any information but said my dad will have a scan next week to see if he is suitable for surgery.  However, my dad also has COPD with only 30% lung function and so they are unsure if he will be suitable for the surgery as they would need to remove 30% of the lung. The cancer is also in 1 lymph node at the moment. My question is what other treatments should we be asking for if dad is not suitable for surgery? He has already said point blank that he doesn't want chemo (although nobody has explained this treatment/side effects to him). He hasn't been allocated a specialist nurse yet so I don't know who to ask. Would he be suitable for radiotherapy (even just to try and shrink it s bit and keep symptoms at bay)? Would gene therapy help? Has anyone been in a similar situation and have any advice? My dad thinks if surgery is ruled out then there are no other options. Please help I need to know as much as I possibly can to ask the Dr. Thank you for reading x