Following a referall by my GP to the hospital they arranged a full torso CT scan and attempted (but abandoned) EBUS bronchoscopy.
After a fortnight of hearing nothing I visited my GP as he had requested an ultrasound on the lymph nodes in my neck and the doctor had offered to do a biopsy on them and promised to get them to my GP within the week.
My GP had the job of telling me that I have cancer in both lungs, lymph nodes of the neck and chest and possibly my uterus. He was not happy that the hospital had not been in touch with me with either a treatment plan (if possible) or at least some feedback.
He has referred me to Gyneo for further investigation but I have still to hear anything at all from the hospital.
Am I being unrealistic in expecting some kind of response from the hospital?.
I am someone who needs to know all the facts ....good, bad or downright ugly and then to prepare accordingly.
Thankfully I have a very supportive family and friends but hate having to respond to their question "what are they going to do?" with a vague "I don't know"
Is this the normal timescale for dealing with what appears to be a fairly aggressive cancer where I can see and feel new lymph glands popping up on my neck on a daily basis.