Cervical Cancer

Hello -

I was diagnosed with stage 2A cervical cancer 3 years ago.  I had 26 rounds of external and 6 rounds of internal radiation along with chemo.  Due to a bleeding event prior to my diagnosis I was not able to have surgery. I know how scary a diagnosis can be, the treatments,waiting for results,  the recovery.  If anyone would like to ask me questions about my experiences, please do so. Obviously everyone's cancer is different and only doctor can give medical advice,  but sometimes it helps to talk to someone who's been through it.

Prayers to all that are facing this disease.

Laura P.

  • Hi Pink,

    I had symptoms and I was at Stage 2A, which was still treatable. I had actually been having symptoms for a couple of years before I finally got the courage to get checked out. You sound like you're doing the right things and following up-that's so important. I wouldn't worry too much and stay off google! The stuff you read there doesn't apply to everyone's situation so you can't use it to try to compare. There is so many other female problems it could be, and even if it is something, it is so much better to find out and get it taken care of! Let me know what you find out.

    Laura xx

  • Ok thank you I am a nurse and finding it hard not to do research I am worried it's spread into my vagina with have the soreness and itchiness, I have a 3 and 5 year old and I am petrified for them, my gut is telling me it's not good news what symptoms did you have 

  • Hi Laura, 

    Thanks for offering your support/advice and sharing your story. I haven't been diagnosed nor has anyone confirmed my worries but I am worried. I have struggled with sleep issues for as long as I can remember, there have been jokes that I have sleep apnea (I've been tested and haven't got it) narcalepsy and just sleep my days away ! Recently, this has felt worse, I can easily sleep 10hrs+ and wake up tired, I then nap at y given opportunity.I have three kids, two toddlers so I have put it down to them exhausting me. Before having my middle child I was on the mini pill for around 8years, before that I've never had regular cycles, after my middle child I went on to a pill that was safe when breast feeding, I never saw period in over a year (normal when breastfeeding) I then fell pregnant with my third child and breast fed again so no periods. When I finished breastfeeding over a year ago the periods started up again, my cycle was irregular, very heavy and painful. I had my bloods done and was very anemic (due to the heavy flow) I had the coil fitted and have since been taking 2 iron tablets a day along with b12. I am still exhausted, and was told the bleeding would eventually stop altogether. The bleeding has mostly stopped but a year on I still bleed only slightly, and I have brown blood like discharge. I sometimes feel pain during sex (depends on position ) and have sometimes bled after sex. I had a smear test last year which came back normal. 

    I worry because I know people who have had cancer festering away that has been masked with other illnesses. I worry that the coil is (mostly) stopping my bleeding and masking something more seriously, I also dare not have it out because I am too tired to cope with more kids  

    Sometimes I feel so tired that I think I am dying. I know it sounds dramatic but I can literally sleep sat up, I defo suffer with chronic fatigue and I can't see past the worries. 

    I wonder if a smear can give a false result?  How do I know if my cervix is abnormal? 

    I should add that I take antidepressants, I suffered quite badly after my third child, my husband and I almost seperated (thankfully we worked through it) during that time I lost alot of weight and presented with bruises up and down my legs, absolutely covered, my doctor put this down to stress. When my hubby came home and we began working on things the weight came back on and the bruises cleared up, I still get the odd random bruise but I have always bruised easily. 

    Any advice welcome please. 


  • Hi Pinklady

    Sorry to butt in, but it’s not true to say that cervical cancer is usually advanced by the time there are symptoms. Dr Google is not a good place to look for self diagnosis! Itchiness is not a symptom of cervical cancer that I’ve heard of-I’ve had cervical cancer and regularly speak to many ladies in other groups who have had this cancer. Not once have I heard itchiness mentioned as a symptom that anyone had. This is much more likely to have another explanation. It’s good you’ve got a gynaecology appointment so hopefully you’ll find out more then.

  • Hi I have read that itchiness is but very rare so with my symptoms I am worried that it's advanced I had abnormal cells when I was 20 and had a loop excision I am now 36 so with symptoms is it still treatable, the go said my cervix was very inflamed 

  • I’ve had cervical cancer twice and undergone a lot of treatment. I’m in groups where I hear from so many people who have this cancer, but seriously in the last 3 years of dealing with this I’ve  never seen itchiness as a symptom. My cancer when diagnosed was “locally advanced” which means it had spread beyond the cervix, and into the vagina, but was still treatable with chemo and radiotherapy. Even when it came back it was STILL treatable. An inflamed cervix doesn’t mean cancer by any means... you definitely need to see the gynae to get a proper examination first before you can know what’s going on. 

  • Ok thanks so much it's hard as you will know the waiting 

  • Hi Pink,

    I agree with what Minska shared. I had not gone to a doctor in about 10 or so years when my symptoms finally drove me to do it. I had a watery, smelly, bloody discharge (no itching). My periods were very sporadic and when I did have them, they were very heavy. I was extremely tired and lost a lot of weight because I couldn't eat (felt too full to eat).  Of course I don't advocate waiting like I did (that was really stupid on my part), but even with such a long time, my cancer was treatable.  Keep us posted on you how you are doing.

    Laura xx

  • Hi,

    I think you probably should ask for a complete blood work-up to see how that looks. When I was being treated for cancer that is the first thing my chemo doctor looked at, the numbers on my bloodwork.  There is so much that can cause us to feel weak, tired and hopeless that aren't cancer! It sounds like you have a full plate, so to speak, with your family, no wonder you're tired. Maybe you could see about talking to a professional therapist to help you understand how your body can react to stress. I had to do that because of my severe health anxiety issues. I found out that the more I worry, the more my body aches, gurgles, twinges and tires me out.  Good luck and keep us posted on how you do.

    Laura xx

  • I had yellow discharge that now is bloody but has no smell to it, did you have pain in your vagina at all, I bleed after sex in between periods even though I am on the pill pelvic pain not all the time, inflamed cervix, pain down below , I also only got these symptoms when I started sleeping with new boyfriend, doctor said that could be coinsidental, I feel sick with worry  Laura thank you for support what were all the symptoms you had if you don't mi d me asking