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Types of treatment - Low Dose Naltrexone

I've just been diagnosed with breast cancer and secondary in the bone.  I'm just about to start radiotherapy and will see the doctor again next week about what they may do with the breast lump, however I've read a lot about LDN and some suggested successes with this drug, but it's not licensed for the treatment of cancer.  I just wondered if anyone has any experience of this drug for cancer.

Many thanks


  • Anyone any experience of this????? X

  • Hi Sally, 

    I have looked through the forum and couldn't see any recent previous posts about low dose naltrexone and breast cancer but I have asked the nurse team if they are able to help with any information. 

    If you would like to speak to one of them then they are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040 (free to call from a UK landline). 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Dear Sally,

    Thank you for your question. I am sorry to learn that you need treatment for secondary breast cancer.

    Low dose naltrexone (LDN) is not a recognised standard treatment for cancer. I am not aware of any UK cancer treatment center using LDN. I am sorry as this reply may be disappointing.

    I could only find a few laboratory studies and small very early phase clinical trials LDN and most of these were in conditions such as multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia. While some studies showed some benefit others did not. Scientific researchers suggest that while this may have a cancer treatment benefit in the future our current knowledge is limited. More research is needed about how it works, the optimal dose, method of administration and timing of treatment for different cancer types. Also interactions with other cancer medications and long term side effects are not known. Different cancers and medical conditions have varied underlying causes and it is unlikely as claimed on the internet that LDN could benefit these often unrelated conditions in the same way. Research into LDN use in cancer treatment and in many of the other medical conditions is still at a very early stage.

    Often new treatments are tested first in clinical trials. However I was not able to find any current cancer clinical trials in the UK using LDN.

    It may help to discuss LDN with your medical team. You are welcome to contact us again either on the forum, via email or on our freephone helpline if you think that we may be able to help.

    With kind regards,


  • Thanks for your reply.  I'm aware LDN hasn't yet been trialed for use in cancer, however I'm also aware of cancer sufferers using this drug with some success where other treatments failed.  I'm also aware of its succession autoimmune diseases (of which I also suffer from).  I was just trying to find out if anyone else with cancer had used this drug and what their experiences had been.  Another reason I was interested was because I've been given another drug by the NHS to treat macular degeneration and this particular drug is also not licensed for this type of treatment but worked very well.