Radiotherapy and sore skin

I dont write this as giving advice to everyone but just to share my experiences.

   I recently had 15 treatments of radiotherapy for breast cancer and had no soreness or even redness of the skin.  The reason for this-I think-is that I used 100% pure hypo-allergenic aloe vera gel. xxx  You must make sure you get the completely 100% natural gel-no perfume or additives of course.  I applied this before the treatment even began, after each treatment and up to 3/4 times a day-but not immediately before each treatment.  Its a bit messy and sticky but a small price to pay for no soreness or iritation.  Just a thought  and if it helps someone so much the better.  Doctors dont actually recommend this as I feel they are afraid some people might buy the perfumed or not completely natural version.  Hope this helps.

Bless everyone
