vocal chord cancer (T1) laser treatment, need advice

Have had laser surgery in sept for early vocal chord t1 cancer and was told it was successful but a month ago I had a check up which revealed there has been a reacurrance ( though only small and on the surface) so have had more laser surgery in the hope that will do the trick as the surgeon says its too small to warrant radiotherapy. Has anyone else had this kind of treatment and is this usual?( reacurrance and more lasering). I'm very concerned that this treatment may not be working or that cancer may keep coming back, resulting in radiotherapy and the possibility of eventually loosing my voice box. I know its early days and I'm probably worrying too much but would be very grateful if there is anyone out there who can comment on this.

  • Hi Looby-lou

    Thank you so much for sharing that with us we all need to hear the good endings aswell as you may have read above we got the all clear today and now only time will tell but at least we have a great starting point. just think it is because of people like your dad and husband that the have learnt from that will help many more people for years to come.

    As i said thank you so much i hope we are lucky enough that in 10 years i can write about my husband being 10 years clear

    Merry Christmas


  • Hi thats great news!!! No need to ask if your relieved!!! Now you can relax and have a great christmas. Give my congrats and best wishes to your husband. Merry christmas


  • Hi Luckyus.

    Thats great news, you can get on with life, tell your husband all the best, maybe he can get a bit of sleep now.

    Always here if you want a chat.


  • What FANTASTIC news - you must be so relieved!  Now you can hopefully sit back and enjoy your Christmas.

    What a shame you had to suffer such a long worrying wait.

    I'm sure you and your husband will be anxious as every 6 weekly visit approaches but I wish you both a very happy and more importantly HEALTHY New Year.

    Will be in touch in 2011!

    Love Marion x

  • Hi Looby-Lou

    Nice to hear from you and great to hear that your Dad and husband are cancer free.

    Its been 3 years since I had RT for laryngeal cancer and I still worry a lot about reaccurance so I found it very reassuring that your Dad is 10 years post-treatment and doing well.

    Let's hope 2011 will be a healthy one for all of us!

    Marion x

  • Hi Andy

    Thanks for your kind words, I feel very humble but I'm so glad if I've helped a bit.

    I can't believe you are still working in your 5th week of RT - I'm sure I was feeling pretty c**p after 20-odd zaps of RT!  Your fitness training has obviously paid off.  Don't worry about your voice, it will come back but it might take a while so don't panic.  I've probably already told you (and I'm sure your onc has told you) that you will actually feel worse after the treatment has finished.  It's horrible that you have to go through this over Christmas but only a week or so to go and you can put all this behind you.

    I had a bit of a scare as my voice was quite croaky for the last 2 weeks so I brought my appointment forward to see my consultant yesterday.  Luckily he said my larynx looked perfectly normal and he put it down to the stress of Christmas (phew).  At least it's put my mind at rest and I won't be worrying over Christmas now.

    I hope Christmas will be as well as can be expected for you and wish you a very happy and healthy New Year.

    Take care and I'll be in touch soon.

    Love Marion x

  • Hi Michael

    Just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.

    Take care

    Marion x

  • Hi Marion.

    See you had a sore throat, glad it is all right, have a merry christmas and a healthy new year, I will be out having a drink of wine to cheer myself up not like I used to but it doesn't matter.

    Good news for luckyus, lets hope that more people get the same good news in the future.

    have a good christmas hope to hear from you again.

    health and happyness to all cancer friend.


  • Hi Marion,

    Happy new year! Hope you had a good one and all is well with you. Finished the RT last weds and as soon as I finished started to feel worse, as expected. My throat is still sore and i'm still coughing up lots of gunge but things feel like they are slowly improving and i;m beginnig to swallow easier ann the skin on my nexk is healing well.

    The obvious thing i'm concerned about is my voice. I'm able to get some growly sounds out of it on the lower register, sounds are starting to come through but its still really weak and it hurts when I speak. Was this the same for you? Guess I just expected to finish treatment and find it all back to normal..wishful thinking!!

    I was working the last 2 weeks but felt so groggy and tired my consultant has suggested I rest up in order to speed up my recovery. I feel a bit ragged at the moment but I guess the worse is over now and keeping my fingers crossed that my voice will return soon. I have to back in 6 weeks so I asked the consultant when will I know if i'm cured and he just said this WILL cure it. I hope he's right!

    Best wishes to you.

    Love Andy

  • Andy welcome back!  Happy (and healthy) New Year!  Hope your Christmas was as well as could be expected.

    I have been looking out for your posts but assumed that you felt like c**p but have been thinking of you and wondered how you are.

    So glad it's all over - you must be so relieved.  I can't believe you carried on working so long but as a trainer your fitness probably helped.  Now try and rest and let your body recover!

    Please don't worry about your voice, it's very early days!  I can't remember exactly how long it was before my voice came back to normal but I remember it coming back a bit just towards the end of the treatment and then it went completely about a week after it all finished which really worried me as I thought the treatment hadn't worked.  I know my voice was quite good in the October as I went back to work on a part-time basis so that would have been 2 months later but it came back well before then.  When it does come back don't be surprised if it strains easily at first as it will take quite some time to heal.  I remember one of the girls from work ringing me while I was still off work and for the first time in months I answered the phone and she asked to speak to my mum!  She didn't realise it was me and was so shocked as she had never heard my "normal" voice before as it had been husky for years.

    I had to wait 8 weeks to hear that the treatment was sucessful and that appointment was the scariest!  You will probably have an MRI scan just prior to your appointment.

    Take care Andy and I wish you a complete recovery but I have no doubt that you are cured.

    Love Marion x