vocal chord cancer (T1) laser treatment, need advice

Have had laser surgery in sept for early vocal chord t1 cancer and was told it was successful but a month ago I had a check up which revealed there has been a reacurrance ( though only small and on the surface) so have had more laser surgery in the hope that will do the trick as the surgeon says its too small to warrant radiotherapy. Has anyone else had this kind of treatment and is this usual?( reacurrance and more lasering). I'm very concerned that this treatment may not be working or that cancer may keep coming back, resulting in radiotherapy and the possibility of eventually loosing my voice box. I know its early days and I'm probably worrying too much but would be very grateful if there is anyone out there who can comment on this.

  • Hi Luckyus.

    How is you husband any news yet, I know the waiting is the worse bit not knowing, I went to the hospital yesterday to talk to students that are in the second year of radiotheraopy doctors to talk about what we had and what we thought that could be done from them to make it better for the patients, we were asked by the cancer in wales to give this talk about what I thought could be changed from the patients point of view, at the end one of the doctors passed out didnt know I had that effect on people ( joke ).

    I think it is talking about what I had gone through that upset her, its nice to know they have the same feelings as me.  hope other people read this and see that some future doctors are interested.

    Let me know how your husband is getting on, there is always people on here that care.


  • Hi Joeninty

    So nice to hear from you again.

    my husband waits until 22 Dec before we know more found ut yesterday he did not have a biopsy just laser

    what a good thing there are people like you to talk to students so that they do realise this is happpening to real people and their familys good on you.

    I am very lucky in having loving family and friends but sometimes i feel as thoguh i dont want to burden them with my thoughts on here you can say exactly what you need to and know people (like you) care

    Thank you my stranger friend. our paths have crossed for i dont know how long but i am so grateful to have you to type to


  • Hi Luckyus.

    Why have you got to wait so long for the results, when I had my laser I only waited 2 weeks before they told me what had happened. where in the country do you live it seems that different places have different ways of doing things, how does your husband feel is he better or is it getting him down, all you can do is be there for him and give lots of love. The thing about this site is there is always someone to talk to, as it isn't the best of topics to talk about. when I had my major op, it helped to talk to someone that had the same as me and seeing how he was then. look after youself tell him we are thinking about him. keep in touch.


  • Hi there, must say i'm slightly surprised about the wait. Did they not do a biopsy when they did the laser? When I had my first laser I found out within a week. Perhaps they feel that it does'nt look like anything serious, which if thats is the case is good. If your in any doubt though go back and tell them if your concerned about the wait as six weeks is a fair time and it would help put your mind at rest to know what is happening and what the course of treatment will be if any. Hope you get some answers soon.


  • Hi Michael

    We live in Lincolnshire and we have to wait as they didn't do a biopsy so they have to wait until the scaring from the laser is healed so the can make sure there is nothing left i rang hospital last week and the secetery spoke to the consultatnt who told us this.

    His throat is still very sore but he is doing ok he went back to work a few days after the op and although he feels more tired (and grumpy) hes ok

    This is such a great site as you are talking to people who really understand (unfotunatly for them). I appreciate you thinking of us but if i told him he would just laugh at me. he burries his head in the sand and i want to know it all (oppisites attract and all that).

    Thinking about you too thank you for all your help


  • Morning Andy

    Yes i was shocked at the wait ( my husband was happy not to find out ) i rang the hospital last week to see if it was a mmistake and to ask if we could have our appointment any sooner ( me and my christmas) and the secatery spoke to the consultant and said they did not feel the need for a biopsy and they wanted the area to completly heal before looking at it again. when they did the laser they said the cancer was sat on top of the scin and not gone all the way through?

    It is amazing how people take time out of their busy lives to help others so thank you Andy for your help (i am sure i will need more in the future)

    best wishes to you


  • Hi Micheal

    on here to ask you for help there is  a thread called "what next" started my Mermaid1966 asking for help with a full larynoscopy gave your name and this thread but i think you are the perfect person to help.

    on a silly note my husband had a fall at work today after being rushed to hospital he has sprained his ankle (what a faker) so now he expects more TLC ( he has had his quota for this month)

    Ah Bless hugs to you


  • Hiya,

    Thank you so much for your reply, I am not sure how these chat rooms work so I thought I would reply to you.  I am in shock but everyone keeps telling me how brave I have been and how well I have done, but it was just a case of getting on with it.  Now I have time to think about things and experience what it is like actually living with this I am getting more resentful and frustrated at the situation.  I do not feel brave or think I have done well because after all what choice did I have.  I have even regretted having the operation even though I was told without it I would only have 2 to 3 months.

    I know I am lucky that I have been given another chance but I cannot help feeling the way I do.

    I hope you don't think I am an ungrateful person. I am just very confused and don't know where to go for help.  My family have been great but I cannot talk to them because they don't understand, they are just so pleased I have come through this.

    Thanks for your reply,  x

  • HI

    you are right to feel angry,  confused and resentful why should you have to go through this, the little i do know is when the operation is first done the scars look awful but they do heal. i think you are also right in what you say about just doing it and now (only now) you have time to think about all you have been through. most people have time to get used to the idea of an operation for a few months but with cancer that is not always possible.

    As for thinking you are ungrateful no never feel that on here i have found out this site is the best place to get out what you honestly feel, and like others, i do not want to upset family or friends with my true feelings (or fears) sometimes. the friends i have made in ever such a short time have been a great help for me.

    big big hug going to you today


  • Hi Mermaid 1966.

    I talk to Luckyus about her husbands cancer, I dont know if she has told you about mine. what cancer do you have, if it will help I will tell you a bit about me. I had throat cancer 3 years ago, it moved about a bit from one side to the other in the space of 6 months, I had throat cancer in my vocal cords, had a couple of biopsys, laser, radiotheropy ETC. to cut it short I landed up having a total laryngectomy ( voice box removed ). it has been 2 years now and I am fine, can talk. if this helps you about what you might have get in touch and I will give you help with any questions you might like to ask, there is a lot of people on this site that can help, like Luckyus and a few more that have people and relations that have cancer.

    dont be afraid to ask we are here to help if we can.

    look after your self.

    Joeninty  Michael.