vocal chord cancer (T1) laser treatment, need advice

Have had laser surgery in sept for early vocal chord t1 cancer and was told it was successful but a month ago I had a check up which revealed there has been a reacurrance ( though only small and on the surface) so have had more laser surgery in the hope that will do the trick as the surgeon says its too small to warrant radiotherapy. Has anyone else had this kind of treatment and is this usual?( reacurrance and more lasering). I'm very concerned that this treatment may not be working or that cancer may keep coming back, resulting in radiotherapy and the possibility of eventually loosing my voice box. I know its early days and I'm probably worrying too much but would be very grateful if there is anyone out there who can comment on this.

  • Hey thats great news! Looks like he is out of the woods and will not have to go through any more treatment, you must be very relieved and happy to be able to put this behind you. Thanks for your good wishes.


  • Thanks Marion for your positive words it would be truly amazing if I could get my old voice back but have a feeling I may not be that lucky but if I can get enough back so that people can hear me that would be great, I'm txting chris later so will mention we need to pencil in a date for our get together. Really looking forward to it. :-) Will let you know how i get on woth my appointment

    Love Andy

  • Hi Andy

    I still think you will get your old voice back but if it's not the same, then your new voice will be much better than it was over the last year or so.  I'm sure it can only get better now so that by the time we meet up, there will be no stopping us .

    Anyway, have a great weekend and hope you get a date from Chris.

    Good luck with your appointment!

    Love Marion x

  • Hi Marion & Andy

    Thank you so much for your good wishes and continueous support it has really helped me through this when i put my name as luckyus it was 6am in the morning and it was a very sarcastic name now i do think lucky us just hope he stays clear from now on good news is he gave up smoking the day he found out and has not smoked since ( but why oh why did he have to get this first) well thats all for now

    Love from meeeeeeeee

  • Hi Marion,

    Have texted chris and he say's he will leave it to us to set up a date but he can't do w/ends as he has to go home to wife and kids so I was thinking may be a weds night  perhaps weds 2 or 9th of march? Let me know if this might work for you. If your in mayfair perhaps we could find somewhere in the west end as chris say's he can travel in on the tube and I live fairly close to there. Would be good to find somewhere not too noisy so perhaps a restaurant might be good but we can sort that out nearer the time.

    Your're right my voice is getting stronger by the day. Did 5 clients today and met a friend for coffee and have just made a phone call and can still just about speak but feeling tired now so going to rest it for the rest of the eve. It sounds silly to people who havent gone thru this but I feel so excited by the prospect of being able to talk again! It feels like a precious gift but hey its early days yet so one step at a time! Hope you have or will have had a great w/e by the time you read this.

    Love Andy x

  • Well its a great incentive for him to give up and don't think about the why's just think about the future and also giving up smoking will hopefully help him avoid other problems. Sometimes our bodies have harsh ways of giving us wake up calls! Have a good w/e

    Love Andy

  • Hi Andy

    So pleased to read your voice is getting stronger may it long continue  an old saying came to mind reading your post " you don't know what you have got until it has gone" i think this is so true but thank goodness yours is coming back.

    best wishes


  • Hi Luckyus

    It's a great name!  When I first joined Cancerchat I couldn't think of anything to call myself so just went with my name (not very adventurous!)

    Your husband has done the right thing giving up smoking as we're always hearing that smoking is one of the main causes of cancers to the throat (not that it was the case with me and Andy).  Hope he keeps up the good work!

    Speak to you soon.

    Love Marion x

  • Hi Andy

    Hope you had a good weekend and it's really great news that your voice is getting stronger.  I know exactly what you mean about being excited about your voice but anyone who hasn't been through it wouldn't realise how scarey it is the thought of never being able to talk again - not to mention how frustrating it is.  I used to not want to go out as it was such an effort trying to keep up the conversation and knowing that it would only make your voice worse by straining it.

    No wonder you get tired after doing too much.  I'm still amazed you are getting on with work so early after finishing treatment - especially in your job as a fitness trainer.  I felt tired for months after radiotherapy and I'm just sitting at a computer!

    The 2nd or 9th of March is fine with me but do you want to message me privately about the arrangements as I'm sure no-one else would be interested n our get together.  At least I won't have to wear a red carnation as you know what I look like now (well, 4 years ago!).

    Speak soon.

    Love Marion x

  • Hi Marion,Lucky Us,

    Have just been for my first check up since RT and have been given the all clear, he says the cancer has gone!.  I'm so relieved!! really feel over the moon. :-) As we all know it isn't an absolute total  all clear as I will have to wait 5 years for that but its a great step forward. He says my voice will get stronger but that will take a few months and I will still have to go back for monthly check ups. Thanks a million again for  all your hlep and support, I don't know what I would have done without it.

    Marion will mail you privately re meeting up.

    Love Andy x