vocal chord cancer (T1) laser treatment, need advice

Have had laser surgery in sept for early vocal chord t1 cancer and was told it was successful but a month ago I had a check up which revealed there has been a reacurrance ( though only small and on the surface) so have had more laser surgery in the hope that will do the trick as the surgeon says its too small to warrant radiotherapy. Has anyone else had this kind of treatment and is this usual?( reacurrance and more lasering). I'm very concerned that this treatment may not be working or that cancer may keep coming back, resulting in radiotherapy and the possibility of eventually loosing my voice box. I know its early days and I'm probably worrying too much but would be very grateful if there is anyone out there who can comment on this.

  • HI Marion,

    Thanks for your reply. Im starting to feel a lot better. swallowing easier, coughing starting to subside and voice making some progress although when I speak I sound about 90! I'm going back to work next week just part time as i'm self employed and need to earn some money so have told clients I will only whisper and not talk too much during sessions!

    As you say its early days for my voice and I have to be patient. I always want everything done by yesterday and hate having to wait especially as I havent been able to speak since the beginning of dec, but guess I have no choice. Also looking forward to having a nice glass of wine but will wait till soreness in my mouth has cleared and my voice is back. I've spent most of  this week just sleeping which I think has done me the power of good and i'm lucky that I have a flexibility in my job to come home and rest between sessions.

    I'm not thinking too much about the results of the treatment as I've got to the stage now where I can't worry any more and what will be will be, guess I've done all I can. Have a great w/e and speak soon.

    Love Andy

  • Hi Andy

    Just a quick post to see how you are.

    I can't believe you're going back to work so early but try not to overdo it as you must be still feeling tired.  Has your voice started to come back yet? Do you know when you are having your scan?  Sorry about all these questions!

    I've decided to do the "Shine Walk" for cancer research on 1 October - it's an overnight walk around London (either 13 or 26 miles).  My friend who recently lost her husband to cancer has asked me to do it with her.  I'm not sure if we are doing the full or the half one but I'd better get some walking practise!

    Hope you're ok but let us know how you're getting on.

    Love Marion x

  • Hi Marion,

    Thanks for your message. Unfortunately I don't have much choice about going back to work as I have a mortgage to pay and  have my business to run which won't work without me  and I can't live on £62 a week sickness benefit. I'm only training 4 clients a day and live very neatr my wotk so I can come home and rest between clients and am finding it ok.

    I actually felt worse sitting at home worrying about things as I love my job and I think having a routine is helping me feel things are getting back to normal. The downside is I don't have my voice back yet and my throat is still a bit sore, its been nearly 3 weeks since I finished the RT and am not sure if this is normal as most people tend to get it back towards thre end of tretment. I mentioned about working to the consultant and he said I need to rest my voice but i told him i'm only whispering and working part time and he seemed to think this would be alright. I'm wondering if i'm straining it by working, there's no one to ask as my next appointment with the consultant isn't till mid feb.

    Anyway hope your well

    Andy x

  • Hi Andy

    It's a shame you had to rush back to work but I do understand the money thing.  I was really lucky as my firm paid me full pay for the time I was off - although it was only 10 weeks in all.  I know what you mean about sitting at home worrying as it was at that time that I became depressed.  I needed to get back to work for normality.

    Try not to worry about your voice Andy - we are all different and there's no set time for when it should come back.  I've met quite a few people now through clinic appointments who have had some form of throat cancer and they can all speak.  In fact, I probably already told you, my voice came back and went again for quite some time which really freaked me out!  It's strange but my consultant told me not to whisper as it still strains your vocal cords but I'm sure you will know if you are pushing yourself too hard.  I can really understand your frustration though.

    I put my photo on my profile so that everyone can put a "face to a name" but for some reason it's not showing (must have done something wrong)!

    Anyway look after yourself and let me know when you get your voice back - hope it's soon!

    Love Marion x

  • Hi Marion,

    Yes would have liked to have had 10 weeks off on full pay! but like you said its much better to be doing something and I feel ok in my self apart from the voice. Its so frustrating as I really love my job and this is the time of the year I could be picking up new clients but I can't really take anyone on at the moment sounding like this.

    My present clients have been wonderful and are ok with me whispering and tell me to shut up if I;m talking too much! Guess I have to patient and wait for everything to heal. I spoke to my consultant's assistant today who said this was all normal and consistent with post radiotherapy and also said it was ok to work as long as i don't over do it.

    Would be good so see a photo of you and put the face to the name, will try and put one up of me.

    Thanks again marion and hope all is well with you and will certainly let you know when my voice is back then we can arrange a get together with chris :-)

    Andy x

  • Hi Marion/Andy

    Hope your both well.

    Marion firstly thanks for mail other day. I will reply when I get a spare 10 mins. Life is hectic at moment going from the North to London every week and trying to spend time with Kids at weekend.


    I'm glad your on road to recovery but try not to push yourself too hard. I know you want to get back and you need to work  but don't try and run before you can walk. I am sure your voice will improve but as I told you other week on phone my voice is still improving even now 6 months after my RT and there are dips in it some days. I guess it is a long road to recovery and there will always be times when it is not as good as you hope but try and remember the bad times when you had no voice at all. Things will get better.

    We must sort that drink out soon. I will be in London until the end of May. I am working on olympics at Stratford so on Central line. Can get anywhere in 30 mins so Just choose somewhere to go.

    Speak soon,


  • Hi Andy

    Sounds like you've got your clients sorted out and they understand the situation.  Lets hope they do as they're told and won't need you to shout at them ;-)

    It's bad timing that you can't take any new clients on at the moment as this is the perfect time for getting fit post-Christmas but there will be the Spring when people will want a beach body!  I keep meaning to go to the gym but I bought myself a wii fit  ....... must get round to using it though!

    As my photo isn't coming up with my messages, have a look at my profile as it's on that.

    We'll have to get together while Chris is still in London, so let us know when you're feeling well enough as I can go anywhere on the tube.

    Speak soon.

    Love Marion x

  • Hi Chris

    Nice to see you on cancer chat!

    Just replied to Andy about meeting up.  I can do any place, any time, any where (I sound like the Martini advert but don't think you're old enough to remember it)!  It will have to be before end of May so hope Andy will be up to it.

    Email you soon.

    Love Marion x

  • Hi yes would be good to catch up soon, perhaps early march might be good, hopefully my voice will be back by then and and perhaps we can meet somewhere central or convenient for all of us and somewhere not too noisy! I think chris is in london till the  May,let me know what you think, will text chris as well. Saw your pic, very nice! you don't look your age :-) Got mine up too, its good to have a face to the name and we will recognise each other when we meet, hopefully!

    Speak soon

    Love Andy x

  • Hi Andy

    I have a little confession - the photo is a few years old ;-)  I don't think I've changed much since then though and I don't have any recent ones on my own.  It's good to see you too - quite exciting to put a face to a name at last!  I don't know what I've done wrong with my photo as it's not coming up with my messages.  I might try deleting it and uploading it again.

    I'll leave it up to you and Chris to decide when to meet up and I'll go with the flow.  I'm in London anyway so it will be easy for me to come straight from work.  Hopefully you will be feeling much better by then and I'm sure your voice will come back soon. 

    Speak soon.

    Love Marion x