vocal chord cancer (T1) laser treatment, need advice

Have had laser surgery in sept for early vocal chord t1 cancer and was told it was successful but a month ago I had a check up which revealed there has been a reacurrance ( though only small and on the surface) so have had more laser surgery in the hope that will do the trick as the surgeon says its too small to warrant radiotherapy. Has anyone else had this kind of treatment and is this usual?( reacurrance and more lasering). I'm very concerned that this treatment may not be working or that cancer may keep coming back, resulting in radiotherapy and the possibility of eventually loosing my voice box. I know its early days and I'm probably worrying too much but would be very grateful if there is anyone out there who can comment on this.

  • Hi Michael,

    Thanks for your message sorry its so long getting back. Yes have had the mask made and start on mon. I  am feeling a bit nervous but just want to get on with it now and get it over with. Thanks for all your advise and help will keep you in touch with whats happening.

    All the best


  • Hi Marion,

    Thanks for that,  had a dry run yday with mask, its very tight and feels a bit claustrophobic but guess I'll get used to it. They say the fields ( where the beam hits) are quite small and low down in the larynx and not near my mouth so I shouldn't have saliva problems so fingers crossed on that, but I know its not going to be a walk in the park. Ironically my voice is not too bad at the moment, sods law I guess!

    Went to see my GP yday who had the notes from the meeting of disciplinary team who were deciding my treatment and was saying some of the people were against RT saying my cancer was in situ and not invasive so therefore didn't warrant it, but my consultant was convinced it was just about to become invasive and really pushed for the RT, apparently they were thrashing it out for 1 and half hours! My doctor thinks he's made the right decision and I feel its right too as I just want an end to this.

    Any way will let you know how I get on and hope all is good with you.



  • Hi Zacker.

    Like I said it is nothing having the mask fitted when you have your radio. you get used to it just go in let them fit you to the table and forget about it, it dosnt hurt or feel anything, the only down fall is you get tired at the end of the treatment, but you will get over it soon. Lets hope this is all the treatment that you need, being one who has had it they dont usually advise it unless they think you need it. let me know how you get on.

    All the best


  • Hi Luckyus

    Thanks for your lovely reply, if I've helped in some way that's a very good feeling.

    I hope you get the results back really soon and it's good news.

    I'm keeping everything crossed!

    Love Marion x

  • Hi Marion

    Hospital called me back today my husbanda appointment will be the 22 Dec as he did not have a biopsy just laser treatment 2 weeks ago and the want that to heal before taking another look.

    So my plan for Christmas: if its good news i am going to Party Party Party if its bad news then im still going to Party as its Christmas (MY TIME) and i think reading so many threads where people are not as lucky as i will be  to have this Christmas with their loved ones  then i shall still celebrate that. No its not my excuse to have a drink as i am tea total (apart from rum sauce that kicks a punch).

    Thank you for thinking of us



  • Hi Marion,

    Almost completed my first week of RT and as expected not really feeling much different, as I'm told the side effects don't kick in for about another week, so making the most of the time and eating as much as I can while I still can!  I called chris on fri and had a long chat with him, he's doing really well and has got his voice back, it was good to put the voice to the name so to speak and he is up for a meet when I've recovered from the treatment so perhaps we could get together with him for a coffee or a glass of wine some time in the new year.

    My consultant is confident about the treatment and thinks there will be some improvement in my voice afterwards so keeping my fingers crossed. I' know the next few months are not going to be easy and now is the calm before the storm so i'm bracing my self for whats to come and really looking forward to spring time! Hope all is well with you.

    Love Andy

  • Morning Andy (Zarker)

    Just wanrted to say thank you for starting this post you must realise how much good has been done by it just by how many people have read it.

    Good luck with the RT and please continue to let us know what is happening and how you are getting on.

    We all start on here as strangers but very quickly because people are so open and honest they soon feel like friends.

    All the best with your treatment will keep reading the thread (nearly a year old now)



  • Hi lucky us,

    Its really good to hear that and I'm glad it has helped others as it has helped me. Its strange as when I first posted I  was only expecting to get perhaps one or 2 replies so I could get a bit of info from others who had the same thing and now year later and the rest is history as they say. I was surprised to see how many other people have read it so its good to see that perhaps something positive has come from our ailments.

    Keeping my fingers crossed that your husbands results will be good as there's got to be at least one person on here that gets through this relatively easily so perhaps it will be him, lets hope so. Will keep you poted. Have a great w/e.


  • Hi michael,

    Thanks for your message. Have almost completed the first week of RT and not really feeling anything yet as its early I guess, think in another week will start getting side effects. As you say its not too bad once you get used to the mask and all the staff and facilities at the hospital are very good so I'm in good hands. Will keep you posted on how I get on. Have a great w/e.


  • Hi Zacker.

    I see you have started radio how may weeks are you having it for, like I said the down fall of it is that you get tired as it goes on but it will pass, wher are you having it,look after your self.  keep in touch and let me know if you would like help with anything.
