vocal chord cancer (T1) laser treatment, need advice

Have had laser surgery in sept for early vocal chord t1 cancer and was told it was successful but a month ago I had a check up which revealed there has been a reacurrance ( though only small and on the surface) so have had more laser surgery in the hope that will do the trick as the surgeon says its too small to warrant radiotherapy. Has anyone else had this kind of treatment and is this usual?( reacurrance and more lasering). I'm very concerned that this treatment may not be working or that cancer may keep coming back, resulting in radiotherapy and the possibility of eventually loosing my voice box. I know its early days and I'm probably worrying too much but would be very grateful if there is anyone out there who can comment on this.

  • Hi michael thanks for your reply can I ask what stage was your cancer when you had the radiotherapy

  • Hi

    When I had my radio it was after my second biopsy the cancer had moved to my other vocal cord, as I dont smoke the specialist kept asking me if I smoked he said the cancer usually is with someone one that smoked with this type of cancer I had, since then a lot has happened to me with treatment and surgery.

    I will not go into what has happened since, as I dont want to worry you, I was unlucky I have had to have surgery and been in hospital for a while, I had to take early retirement because of it , it is 2 years since my trouble started be I am fine now. forgive me for asking are you a lady or a man because I have heard your name for both, so have you been intouch with the doctor to get any info as where you are with treatment and what comes next.

    Let me know how you get on, lets hope it donst get any worse like mine did.

    love Michael

    Ps what I didnt tell you the radio did not help in my case it had moved to much

  • Hi last time I checked I was male!! I have had 2 laser treatments now and the first one (sept 09) indicated a small surface layer T1, 3 months later i had another laser which showed a slight surface return and during that procedure he did deeper biopsys which were all clear. since then I have been checked each month and while sometimes the area looks inflamed he was happy just to keep an eye on it as he said it could just be scarring from the laser or voice strain and didn't look like the cancer had returned. My last check up yesterday indicated that the swelling looked better and my voice has improved so he is happy to leave things as they are at the moment but if the swelling returns he will want to have a look at it while under anasetic and possibly do another biopsy.

  • Hi

    Thanks for the reply, you sound as you are a copy of me, mine reoccurred and my throat was raw it all settled down after a while and my voice came back, then I had to have a second biopsy, that is when they found out it had moved over to the other cord,

    I had 2 biopsy's then they said further investigation would have to be taken

    to see what would have to be done, did you say you are worried that they might have to do something with you voice box, what did they say about it, are you jumping ahead a bit, I know how you feel I was the same you think of every thing that goeg around in you head, stay possitive.

    Let me know if anything changes. :p


  • Hi Andy

    Just wanted to say sorry that I replied to you but said "Hi Chris"! Sorry it's because I'm replying to you and Chris I got confused!

    I notice you asked Michael (Joenity) what stage he was at and I know you are worrying that your T1 will progress. My consultant told me that T1 means "cancer in situ" and a very early stage but if (god forbid) it progresses it will still be caught early as you are being monitored regularly so hope you are reassured by that.

    When I was first diagnosed I was graded as a T2 but my notes say T3 so I'm still not sure but at least I am still doing well and cancer free (touch wood). My voice is really hoarse at the moment but it probably had something to do with watching England play and shouting at the television!

    Just wondering, have you ever had an MRI scan? My consultant sent me for one when I was still at the displacia stage.

    Keep posting and keep your chin up, I know how hard it is.

    Love Marion x

  • Hi Marion.

    how are you at the moment has your cancer gone, I didnt want to worry Zacker to much, I have had 3 mri scans one last week, I thought the cancer had come back but I had a infection in my suliva glands only,

    I had T3 before my op and had 2 biopsys before they found out what was wrong, it no good thinking what might happen you just worry yourself about it people dont understand if it hasent happend to you.

    I hope Zacker gets better and all is well for him and you, I am not to bad I did a abseil down a castle for charity to prove to myself that life goes on.

    Well hope you dont mind me getting intouch.

    Love joeninty

  • Hi Joeninty

    Thanks for your message, of course I don't mind you getting in touch!

    I have only just realised that you have actually had a laryngectomy. That must have been very hard for you and something that I worry about a lot. Do you have a valve so that you can talk? Were you offered radiotherapy?

    What a relief it was an infection in your salivary glands - you must have been very worried waiting for the results of your MRI scan.

    Well done for abseiling down a castle for charity! I take it you did it for cancer research? I'm terrified of heights but I did the Race for Life with a couple of friends a few months after my treatment and we managed to raise £2,500. It made me feel good to give something back to cancer reseach and I burst into tears as I ran (or rather jogged!) across the finishing line.

    Hope Andy (Zarker) and Chris are doing ok and speak to you all soon.

    Take care

    Love Marion x

  • Hi Marion.

    How are you getting on is your health improved, I did have radio after my first biopsy, I had it for 6 weeks that left me very tired, then I had another biopsy and was told it had moved onto my other vocal cord, the radio hadn't shrunk it.

    I had a total laryngegtomy I was in hospital for 10 weeks, I have a voice valve fitted it took a lot of patients to be able to speak again, you don't know how you miss not being able to just talk when you want to.

    Like a said I did a abseil down a castle only 80 feet, heights dont worry me as I used to be a slinger and used to walk along girders with chain blocks the charity was hope house for kids we dont see anything for charity for cancer.

    Why do you worry about a laryengectomy.

    Well love you and leave you if you want to know anything else let me know, what upset me was I dont smoke and the specialist kept asking how lond I had been smoking.

    Love Michael.:p

  • Hi Michael

    Sorry it's taken a while to get back to you.

    I'm well at the moment and hope you are too. My next hospital check up is on 28 July but hopefully all will be well. It will be 3 years August since my treatment finished and I've been going every 3 months for the past year so I think my appointments might go up to every 6 months then.

    In answer to your question about why I'm worried about having a laryngectomy, I am the biggest chatterbox going and I don't think I could cope without my voice. People deal with things in different ways but I know I would find it very hard as it was really frustrating when I had cancer and just after the treatment when I had to write everything down.

    Take care and keep posting.

    Love Marion x

  • Hi Marion.

    Nice to hear from you, when you say that you worry about a laryngectomy do you think that you may have one in the future, its a couple of years that I had it, what wooried me at the time was I had to go back into hospital for 5 weeks as the right side of my neck hadn't healed, it is verry rare. I have a voice valve in and I dont know if you know what the operation intails, I have a stoma, do you know what I am talking about. If you want me to go on and talk about it I will let you know, some people don't like to talk about it, I have talked to patients in the hospital about how I am and how I feel after the op.

    You talk about being a chatterbox well I am a geordie and you can see how I felt about the op.

    Let me know if I can help you with anything, the specialist it is very rare for the cancer to come back after the op. one of the people I spoke to before the op had his 6 years ago He has hadf a couple of chest infections as I have had but no trouble, Like I said I have a voice valve in and can talk, that is a great help.

    I wont bore you with more boring info let me know how you are getting on.

    Love Michael.

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