chemo for after bowel cancer surgery

I am starting chemo after having bowel cancer surgery 8 weeks ago, i am terrified i dont know what to expect , i am frightened of the side effects and how my body will react is this normal or am i just being a baby

  • Hi Charlie

    21 treatments is an awful lot to have ahead of you. I don't wonder you feel low. Hopefully you will find yourself regaining energy as the treatments progress. I know I found it difficult to accept the need for more rest than usual, though I should have been pleased. I've finished my 8 cycles and feel great, which you will. A scan did find a small lump on a lymph node in my groin. A sample was teken and I will hear the results on Monday. If it the worst, I will have to have more chemo and I confess I feel very depressed at the prospect. You can be brave about one lot but I'm not sure how positive I'll be about another.

  • Hi Carol.D, I'm passed for round 2 chemotherapy tomorrow and the nurse advised me to start domperidone (anti-emetic) today so that I have it in my system already. I'm hoping that does the trick in controlling vomiting. In consideration of my well-being and as my bloods were ok, I went for a swim today as before I was ill I used to swim a lot. Does anyone have any advice about when/if swimming is alright whilst having chemotherapy? I know there is a risk but as my surgeon said 'all life is uncertain.' Just that after a cancer diagnosis one's own life seems particularly uncertain. Still must stay positive! Feel more normal having been for swim at any rate.

  • Hi Susanlynn, good luck with results you said you were getting today and let us know how you got on. Eyore

  • Thanks for asking, Eyore. Thank goodness , the growth was only a benign inflammation not malign. I feel very lucky. Now I am a month out of chemo, I feel better than I have for ages.- no longer totally exhausted by 7p.m. Keep thinking about this and I so very much hope the chemo time will pass quickly.

  • An afterthought, Eyore, re swimming. I'd listen to the surgeon. Swimming pools are so full of infections inspite of all precautions and you are vulnerable. Depends if your wound has totally healed. Even now, though mine has healed after 9+ months the skin is still very thin.

  • Hi susanlynn, so glad to hear about biopsy result. What a relief for you. I'm sure recovering cancer patients are terribly worried by any little abnormality. I feel that I shall always have that fear with me.

    For anyone else coping with chemotherapy sickness. The advice I had to start taking anti-emetics the day before did help a lot. I was nauseous and shaking but not actually vomiting. That was just with domperidone. The oncologist said take dexamethasone the night and morning before as well so I am hoping round 3 will be better still.

  • Hello everyone,

    First Susanlynn, congrats and phew, wonderful news that your biospy result was benign.

    Thank you Eyeore for your anti emetic advice, when I was given mine by the pharmacy I was careful to write down everything they told me. I was given Odanisitron for 2 days morning and evening and Dexamethasone also for a couple of days after food. I was also given Domperidone incase I still felt sick after my 3 days of chemo were over. Luckily I havent felt at all sick and havent needed to take the latter. My anti ermetics were to be taken on days 2 and 3 of my chemo.

    As regards swimming, I have a Hickman line in so have been told not to go swimming because of the possibility of infection. If your medics tell you it is ok to go I should do so, it will also help to lift your spirits and get back to normal but be careful. I asked my surgeons if I could go swimming a few weeks after my op,(but before chemo) they looked at my tummy scar (keyhole) said it was ok - it just so happens I didnt go, but that wasnt planned, then they gave me the Hickman and I am not allowed to now of course.

    When I was online before I said that I had already done a wrong thing, getting my Hickman wet, well apparently it doesnt matter that much so long as you dry it all well and make sure it is clean.. I did think it a bit odd, having something coming out of your body that you cant get wet but have to have for 6 months!!! The only prob is the dressing falls off! However I have now got changes of dressing so when this happens I just change the dressings and all is well again.

    How are you Charlie, do you feel ok about going back to work now? Your doctor probably thinks it a good idea. I think, and a lot of people in these forums seem to think so too, that everyone needs an interest when you have cancer so that you dont get too absorbed in the illness. Also for you, being quite young (I think I have probably decided to retire! - I am old enough to -but have lots of interests) you need to keep an interest in, and keep in touch/abreast of your work, also the social side of keeping in touch with your colleagues and friends. Will your employer be reasonably sympathetic to your situation and ok about your needing time off if you need it (besides the appointment days of course) ie if you feel unwell?

    One thing I am missing and may have to say goodbye to is scuba diving. Princess, I have spent many happy hours down your way Swanage and westward, Lulworth, as far as Falmouth diving. If I dont go back to work after this I shall have to say goodbye to diving. Hey ho, will have to wait for next year and see! - a few years ago I was a member/friend of Yoyo Divers of Southampton! - as I didnt live in Southampton. I lived in Bristol but used to dive with Yoyo as I was friends with the couple who started up the club and the Mikes Waterfront Warehouse shop. They have since moved.

    Anyway positive thoughts to you all, all the best for now,

  • Thanks for your message, eyore. Hope things go positively for you

  • thanks for message and congrats. Yes, it was a relief.

    You have masses of useful advice, which I am going to download to my hard disc.

    Iwonder if anyone else had diarrhoea as a side of effect to capecitabine. Once it was really bad and lasted 10 days and I had to go into hospital,. Then they reduced the dose and while it was annoyingly unpredictable, it was manageable. Perhaps taking the **** look alike tablets before starting the treatment might have helped as taking the anti-emetic , domperidone, worked for some of you.

    Good luck everone!

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