Prostate cancer

Diagnosed with Gleason 9 group 5 local advanced cancer 

on hormone injections 5 is very aggressive cancer all I seem to read about is who bad this is a not much success rates 

mine has spread outside the prostate but not into the bone 

or anywhere else so far can find very little information on any one in my position everybody seems to be having surgery just like to hear from anybody that’s had hormone radiation is there any success rate I know I’m not going to be cured

my best wishes to all men and there partner family how are going through this 

  • Hello Rainbowmolly and welcome to Cancer Chat,

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It can feel like a lonely place sometimes, but there is support for you. Your medical team is there to help address any questions or concerns you might have and our forum is always here whenever you need it. We have some information on our website around hormone therapy for prostate cancer, which is useful in explaining what it is and ways of coping with the treatment. I hope this helps and if you'd like to speak to our team of cancer nurses about anything, you can call the free helpline on 0808 800 4040. Lines are open 9 to 5 Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes to you,

    Moderator Anastasia