
I’m 39, recently (last 2 months) been diagnosed with bowel cancer and last week had a right hand side hemicolectomy. Recovering and awaiting results of the histology to inform next phase of treatment. First couple of days were very painful, mainly with the bloating from operation but now I’m gathering energy and mobility increasing each day. 

Confident it’s not spread but waiting on all the grading / stage confirmation for more certainty. 

  • Hi Mr-Rob,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. It's good to hear that you are feeling a little more energised and I hope that the recovery from the procedure continues to go well.

    I also hope it's not long until you get the results you're waiting for and to find out the next steps.

    We're always here for support on the forum if ever you need it, and hopefully you'll get some more replies to your post here soon. You can also browse or search the forum (using the bar at the top of the page) for other relevant discussions and people to connect with, if you'd like to.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator