Waiting for a biopsy

Last November I was diagnosed with a BCC and a SCC and I was told I would have to have a punch biopsy on each to ascertain depth and spread before surgical removal and treatment. I was originally told I would have an appointment sent to me but after waiting 18weeks I chased the hospital and was told it will be a year just for the biopsy and they could not say when surgery would be after that! I feel quite depressed about it as I was just sent a letter to tell me I had cancer after the photodermy (that was within 24 hours) with no explanation just that I had cancer and needed these punch biopsies but then nothing ... has anyone else experienced this is this normal ? Certainly plays with the mind ...

  • Hello FrancesR, 

    You were right to chase the hospital as 18 weeks is a long time to have to wait but I can imagine it was a bit of a blow to be told you would need to wait a year just for the biopsy without getting a clue as to when surgery would be after that. How frustrating it must be for you to have to wait that long for punch biopsies and it is normal that it plays on your mind. At the very least, you need reassurance that waiting that long for these punch biopsies will not have any consequences on the progression of the cancer so I would try and get in touch with the specialist and ask for clarification on this. Talking to a medical expert will enable you to know for sure what to expect and to find out whether these waiting times are normal.

    If you feel you haven't had things explained to you properly, there is also always the option of getting a second opinion and talking to a medical expert about how you're feeling will certainly help you feel less anxious.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator