High grade endometrial stromal sarcoma

Hi I was diagnosed with above in March 23 no treatment as ct was clear. Reg 3 monthly ct then Dec 23 peritoneal disease. I still was asymptomatic so no treatment .This cancer is rare. I have been trying to live my life as a retired Oncology Nurse ....I have too much knowledge which dosent help as I asked the dreaded how long.  Ct scans 3 monthly showed disease progression but slower than the team thought. Radiotherapy to L2 (back) which helped pain I  hip. My abdomen is now distended and CT brought forward. My question if there anyone e else in this situation and have they had any treatment offered . I have previously had breast cancer and was on Tamoxifen for ten years till 2020. 

Thank you x

  • Hello Loll65, 

    As a retired oncology nurse, you probably do know a little bit too much though it's great to have all this knowledge to understand this rare cancer. You probably know a lot about it already but our website has information on womb cancer and if you wanted to talk to one of our cancer nurses about it, there is a free helpline you can ring 0808 800 4040 - it is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. You might know as much as them but sometimes it's nice to talk to another nurse who like you really knows the field. 

    I hope that you will have this CT scan soon - it's good that they have brought it forward if they noticed something that needs looking into even though it must be a rather stressful time for you and I hope that you will get some answers soon and a treatment plan will be put in place. 

    I also wanted to make you aware of other threads on the forum from members who have been diagnosed with endometrial stromal sarcoma and don't hesitate to reply to any you feel would be relevant to you. Just to mention a couple,  posted only a couple of weeks ago this thread about her high grade stromal sarcoma diagnosis . This member was diagnosed recently and wanted to talk to someone else with the same diagnosis so feel free to drop her a line if you wish. Another thread worth mentioning is  's endometrial stromal sarcoma post - this member was also looking to talk to others who are living with this rare cancer and wanted to talk about treatment experiences. These are just a few examples and I really hope that you will hear from others who have had the same diagnosis. You are definitely not alone. 

    I hope you get some more news soon and a bit more clarity as to what your treatment options might be. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator