My husbands diagnosis.
Metastatic adenocarcinoma lung primary
T3 N2 M1c
Stage IVB
Referred to hospital
Only symptom now is lower back ache & stress
My husbands had his first meeting with oncologist & treatment will be chemothrerapy & immunotherapy every 3 weeks for 2 years & then alter/stop chemo & cont immunertherapy. He is also waiting on the CTDNA blood test to see if targeted therapies can be used.
She also mentioned Strike trial treatments & radiotherapy for the small brain/bone mets. He as a small met on brain & one or 2 mets on lower back. She also mentioned bone treatment.
She said the cancer isnt aggresive & is surprised how well my husband is, only a slight back ache, but nothing to warrant a T3N2M1c lung cancer diagnosis.
She sounded very optimistic & said he should be able to go on holiday in June.
The first doctor that has given hope.
Not sure if anyone as had or heard of any of these treatments & been at this stage?
Although I wrote everything down, I cant remember anything else she said.