Any answers appreciated

Hi this is my first post about my partner of 25 years. On Fridayhe was told he had lung and prostate cancer also in his bones..We're told they don't know which was the primary and was given months t live he's 67 just retired to have an easy life after working hard for 50 years with barely a day off.. Now we're told to wait for another biopsy which could take four weeks ... Has Anybody have any areness of this type of CUP cancer please  

  • Hello Dolly66

    I'm sorry to hear that your partner has recently been told he has cancer that has been found in his lung, prostate and bones. It must have been incredibly hard to hear this news. Hopefully, the next planned biopsy will give the team some more information to help them make a more accurate diagnosis. 

    We do have some information about cancer of unknown primary (CUP) on our website which you may want to read through. I'd also suggest giving our team of nurses a call. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice, information and support they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Keep in touch with us here at Cancer Chat if it helps to have a safe space to put down in writing how you're feeling, to ask any questions or to simply chat with others who understand what it's like when a loved one is diagnosed with cancer. We're here for you. 

    Sending you both my best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator