No GP appointment resulting in stage 4 cancer.

Where do I start? 

No cancer history in family or extended family. In fact  most family members have lived well into their nineties. However we do have heart issues and it was this that I thought was my problem as I was feeling so very unwell. I had some lesser known cancer symptoms and extreme fatigue and weakness which I thought were heart related. I had no cough though. Made numerous requests to see my GP for 9 months. Diagnosed with arthritis in my chest over the phone. Had to get a bit animated in the end and threatened to go direct to A and E. Saw a hospital doctor immediately then after various scans and tests, bam you have stage 4 lung cancer. It’s in the lymph and spine. 3cm tumour in right lung.

I’m a non smoker. It’s a rogue cancer gene apparently.

Feeling so let down. Ok so the GP is not responsible for me getting cancer but he is 100% responsible for stage 4 and possibly stage 3. All I wanted was a GP’s appointment then possibly an X-ray. He failed to see me. I can’t ever get over this. 

Just how am I supposed to live with this preventable situation going forward? When are GPs going to be accountable for their inaction. It costs lives.

  • Hello Let-Down, 

    It is terrible what happened to you and I completely understand why you are feeling so let down. It's good that you eventually got to see a hospital doctor and that they did all the necessary tests. It's so unfortunate you were diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer when you are a non smoker as well. I am so sorry the GP did not spot this earlier and that you were not able to see him face to face - I think it's important that your GP surgery is made aware of what happened and that you ended up being diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Our website has useful information on how to complain about healthcare services

    Other members of our community will I am sure sympathise with what you are going through and I will now let them come and say hello and share their thoughts with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Medical negligence solicitors now, surely?

    My sympathy.

    Best wishes, Dave.

  • Offline in reply to dj48

    Looking at a complaint and medical negligence but it does not bring my life back. No amount of money can ever compensate for what I’ve been through. And they will all club together and deny everything. Don’t even trust with today’s date never mind my medical records. How can they continue to do this to people?