Where do I start?
No cancer history in family or extended family. In fact most family members have lived well into their nineties. However we do have heart issues and it was this that I thought was my problem as I was feeling so very unwell. I had some lesser known cancer symptoms and extreme fatigue and weakness which I thought were heart related. I had no cough though. Made numerous requests to see my GP for 9 months. Diagnosed with arthritis in my chest over the phone. Had to get a bit animated in the end and threatened to go direct to A and E. Saw a hospital doctor immediately then after various scans and tests, bam you have stage 4 lung cancer. It’s in the lymph and spine. 3cm tumour in right lung.
I’m a non smoker. It’s a rogue cancer gene apparently.
Feeling so let down. Ok so the GP is not responsible for me getting cancer but he is 100% responsible for stage 4 and possibly stage 3. All I wanted was a GP’s appointment then possibly an X-ray. He failed to see me. I can’t ever get over this.
Just how am I supposed to live with this preventable situation going forward? When are GPs going to be accountable for their inaction. It costs lives.