I have had surgery for bladder cancer waiting for diagnosis have been sent home feeling ok but have started to pee blood also weeing clots is this normal
I have had surgery for bladder cancer waiting for diagnosis have been sent home feeling ok but have started to pee blood also weeing clots is this normal
Hi Simon1959 and welcome to Cancer Chat.
Hopefully some of our members who have had this surgery will share their experiences and advice with you soon but if you're worried, it may be worth getting in touch with your medical team as they will be in the best position to advise.
If they're not available then you could try your out of hours GP service or contacting the NHS on 111.
I hope you're able to get some answers soon and all goes well with your recovery.
Kind regards,
Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator
Hello Simon,
You will get the clots and peeing blood but if you still bleeding then I would contact your urologist or oncologist.
Normally you wake up with a catheter after your first couple of surgeries, did you have one fitted? They fit a catheter to give your bladder a rest and also to give time for your wound to heal , they normally wait for your urine to be clear of any blood before removal of the catheter.
Hi Chris thanks for your message I was readmitted to hospital for 3 days
Hey Simon,
How are you now?
Did they say what happened?