My Friend (Nasal sinus tumour removed)


I live with my friend who recently had a large tumour blocking the right nostril removed.

We have been waiting for Histo for 7 weeks with one face to face where we were advised post op looks good but the consultant pathology was not happy with results and needed more tests to look at DNA of removed tissue. Obviously this is stressful and my friend is highly anxious and mentally not managing very well. To add to this  my friend is suffering tinnitus which we now recognise has been apparent for a number of years.

We wonder if this tinnitus may be as a result of compression of the auditory nervous system. And now post op is not yet recovering 

Op was in December 24.

Would welcome any comments. Gp seemes out of his depth on this one.



  • Welcome to the Cancer Chat community Dave_B, although I'm sorry to hear about your friend. 

    It must have been incredibly frustrating to find out more tests have been requested after being told post op that everything was looking good.

    It's great that your friend has you by their side as they go on this journey, but if they are really starting to struggle then I hope this information we have about mental health and cancer will help. If they would like to speak to someone in person they're very welcome to give our team of cancer nurses a call on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They will do all they can to support your friend and answer any other questions they have about their situation. 

    Hopefully some of our members will be along soon to offer their support and advice but in the meantime, we're thinking of you both and sending all our support your way.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator