Getting a central line put in is this painful getting put in and are they bad to live with
Getting a central line put in is this painful getting put in and are they bad to live with
Hi Daviewil23
I had a picc line which is a type of central line. I had a local for insertion and it didn't hurt, it went in just above my elbow crease up my arm across shoulder and chest and then down. I had mine in for 7 weeks. I was told I wasn't allowed to do certain things at the gym but other than that it didn't cause any problems, occasionally if I laid on the bit that came out of my arm wrong I could feel it but it didn't hurt. I had to keep the bit that came out of my arm dry and bought a limbo sleeve for washing and it worked really well. Removal didn't hurt it was out before I even realised. Don't know if that's any help or not. Xx