Phone call telling me I have cancer

Differential diagnosis of high grade endometrial carcinoma of ambiguous histology involving the endocervical/isthmic region of the uterus or a HPV - independent cervical adenocarcinoma. Further imaging and discussion in SMDT required

had my ct scan and mri scan so waiting on results 

just dont understand any of it and Im really struggling to get my head round the fact I have cancer 

  • Hi Tacky38

    A cancer diagnosis is a complete head f**k in my opinion. My cancer is different to yours and I'm nearly 3 months post treatment now just waiting to find out if it worked. There is a lot to get your head round at the beginning, all the information, waiting for tests then waiting for results. I tried to keep busy with things I enjoyed, I also carried a notebook around and wrote any random question that came into my head and asked them at each appointment. Also if you can take someone to your appointments they will remember things you don't also if your doctor is OK with it record them so you can go back over it. Once you get a treatment plan in place it makes you feel a bit more in control if that makes sense. Like I say try to keep busy and stay of doctor google. Use these forums or cancer charitys to talk or moan whatever you need we are all in the cancer boat in one way or another. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Thankyou so much Bungle1

    just really struggling at the moment ,I havent told my 18 year old daughter yet .

    want to wait till I have results an what the treatment is so im able to answer her questions.

    your totally right a Cancer Diagnosis is a head F**k 

    Good luck an sending hugs your way xx

  • Hi Tacky38

    Telling people is hard, like you say you want to be able to answer the inevitable questions and I felt I needed to be able to deal with there emotions as well as my own I also didn't want to worry anyone else unless it was necessary. My journey as such started in February 24 and I chose not to tell anyone until July and only said then as I had to have a biopsy and because of the location I needed someone to drive me home otherwise who knows probably still wouldn't have said anything. It's your cancer so tell when it's right for you. Here for a chat whenever you need. Xx