PSA levels have dropped quite significantly after treatment. Is this normal?

Diagnosed with prostate cancer in September last year T3 N0 M0.

PSA Level 11.6. Started hormone treatment in October 4 weeks of Bicalutimide and 1 injection of zoladex. 

First PSA result after 3 months therapy is 0.4. Is it normal to drop that amount ?

  • Hello Deltahotel6, 

    It certainly sounds really positive that your PSA result has dropped so significantly - what a massive difference in the PSA level. I thought I would share with you information from our website on hormone therapy for prostate cancer and in particular it is worth reading the paragraph at the bottom of the page on 'checking your hormone therapy is working' which mentions that "while the hormone therapy is working, the level of PSA should stay stable or may go down". Yours has gone down significantly which is great but do ask your specialist at your next appointment to explain to you whether it is normal and a good sign for it to go down so significantly. Feel free also to give our cancer nurses a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and they will be happy to explain things further to you and tell you more about this. 

    There will be other members of our community who will also be able to advise you further and share their thoughts on this with you based on their personal experience following a prostate cancer diagnosis

    I hope that your hormone therapy treatment will continue to go well and that your PSA will remain at such low levels.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator