29 w/ breast cancer

I spoke to the breast care nurse today and confirmed via phone that my biopsy results are "concerning" and I will be having treatment. I don't know specifics in regards to stage or treatment just that I have "it" and I'll be being treated.

My head is absolutely spinning. I'm only 29 and have been told the entire time it's a fibroadenoma so the results have been quite shocking. I feel do healthy and fine too so it's worse knowing that I'm actually not.

Does anyone have any tips for treatments? How to make the days easier? Things they found joy in in the day to day to help ground them? I'm so anxious. I have a 3 year old and I can't bare the thought of the impact this is going to have on them.

  • Hi forestdweller96, and welcome to the Cancer Chat forum.

    I'm really sorry to hear you've been told you have breast cancer.

    A cancer diagnosis, as so many of our members here have found out, brings with it a whole host of thoughts and emotions to contend with so it's completely understandable, and natural, to be feeling this way. It can take some time to come to terms with having cancer, but I hope this information we have on coping with cancer and how it can make you feel will make things a little bit easier on you at this time. 

    We have a section on our website dedicated to breast cancer, but if you'd like to speak to one of our cancer nurses about this, you can contact them on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very well informed and will do all they can to answer your questions.

    We're sending you all our support forestdweller96 and hope you find out more about your treatment soon.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator