Prostate cancer

Had all my results in the post this morning read though them still don’t understands everything when went to my meeting a week today all I could understand was you have cancer and is at a stage that can’t be cured got to live with it and die with it not started any treatment yet waiting for bone scan I’m stage t3b prostate volume 28cc grade group 5 adenocarcinoma 

not good very scary when you sit down and read it all over and over again just asking has anyone had results similar and what treatment you had be thankful for any advice 

  • Hi Rainbowmolly,

    It sounds like a lot to process - it may help to write down any questions you have, so that you have them ready to discuss at your next appointment. You can then also make a note of the answers.

    My reply here will give your post a little boost, so a few more people should see it and hopefully you'll get some more replies.

    If you'd like to talk things through with someone ahead of your next appointment, our nurses are available on freephone 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5.

    We are always here for support and I hope that the forum continues to be useful for you.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi 

    I was diagnosed 3 years ago with advanced cancer.  I've had surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and ADT.  But I am still here and life is good.  And now my cancer is in remission and I am off all my drugs (at least for now).

    When you get the diagnosis it is scary and life changing.  But all the treatment are designed so that you can get through it.  With T3b diagnosis there is a very good chance you can shake this monkey off your back.

    Best of luck.