I had stage 1B1 squamous cell cervical cancer in 2013 treated with a radical hysterectomy and considered cured since then.
In Dec of 2024 I had a CT scan for an unrelated issue which showed a 3cm lump in/near my left pelvic side wall.
I was referred to gynae oncology who had a PET scan done and key hole surgery on 8th Jan to biopsy and remove it.
The PET scan did light up so it is cancer and the consultant reckons probably a recurrence of my cervical cancer. Unless it's the ovary but my Ca-125 was normal.
However, they were unable to biopsy it or remove it on 8th Jan as there was too much scar tissue from the 2013 surgery.
So I'm in a weird place where I know it's there but I still don't know what it is for sure, other than cancer.
I've got an appointment on 23rd to find out the plan but I wondered if anyone else had been through similar with this cancer and what their treatment was?
All a bit of a head spin at the moment!
Thank you