Just diagnosed

I was diagnosed 4 days ago and will be getting my core biopsy results and treatment plan next week. I just wondered if anyone on here was/is on a weight loss plan prior to diagnosis? I am currently on Mounjaro injections and should be having my next injection today but not sure if this is now wise!!! 

  • Hello Books, 

    I am so sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Could you tell us a little bit more about the type of cancer you have been diagnosed with?  

    I hope that you are not feeling too anxious about receiving those core biopsy results and hopefully you will get a treatment plan next week and that you find out more as to what to expect in the coming weeks. The uncertainty right now must be difficult and having this new diagnosis can indeed raise a lot of question marks such as whether you should still be on this weight loss plan and carry on the Mounjaro injections. You are right to ask yourself the question as to whether you should continue with these injections and the only person who can really advise you on this is your medical team so when you get your results next week and your treatment plan, make sure you ask them whether you should stop these or if they are ok to continue. It is important that your oncologist knows about this in case it is not compatible with your treatment plan for example. 

    I hope this helps and also that you will hear from other members of our community who have been in a similar place. If you have any questions prior or following your appointment next week and want to discuss anything with our cancer nurses, feel free to give them a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    Best wishes and best of luck for those important results next week, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator