I'm a 57 year old woman who has never smoked, six years sober and am active at the gym. This diagnosis has just rocked my world. All I had was backache and a tender tummy and after several weeks of excluding pinched nerve, heart problems or inflammation of chest wall finally got to this devastating diagnosis. I'm currently a teacher overseas and am getting the full body scan and biopsy this week and next. When I have the results I intend to relocate to the UK to spend the little time this turbo cancer might give me with my family. I'll have to try to navigate getting back into NHS whilst time ticks away. I only hope I can qualify and start chemo soon and that it might give me a little more time and quality of life.
Is there anybody here who has been diagnosed with a similar poor prognosis?
Any tips on how to fast track seeing an oncologist and starting treatment?
Any advice on how to keep weight on? Foods etc?