Newly diagnosed with oesophageal cancer and the Fear

Hi I was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer last month and I have had a laparoscopy and having an endoscopic ultrasound tomorrow. I wondered if anyone has any ideas how I can help the absolute overwhelming fear that I am experiencing. I am having really bad dreams and hardly sleeping. The smallest mention of cancer on TV sends me into a panic and I am so worried about upsetting my wife and 20 year old son. It seems to never leave my thoughts. 

  • Offline in reply to Mouser

    Ahh such a shame about Christmas dinner! Typical. Yes you did say that you felt tumour had shrunk after just 1 chemo - I told my son. His team advised him to have a feeding tube in his small intestine (a jejeunal tube) at the same time as his laparoscopy 2 weeks ago so he did. They said that even though he can still eat certain foods and get nutrition drinks down, the chemo may take his appetite or make him sick so the tube ensures good nutrition. I just want the chemo to start for him now and get the nasty thing shrinking. laparoscopy showed nothing in abdomen so that's great. Sounds like your tumour has shrunk loads as you are eating so well now. Good luck with the scan results.

  • Offline in reply to Gorms

    Its all constant fear. I know its not happening to me, but my son, but its constant fear as to what theyre going to say. My son will be told the stage soon as well but hasn't got appointment through yet. Keep googling what I know so far about his tumour size and no spread etc to try and predict - it's driving me mad!

  • Hi Karen I know it’s very difficult but try not to google anything because the news will be the news for your son’s individual case and google keeps chucking other topics at you and so you read that as well. It seems that the Doctors and Nurses don’t tell you enough but too much information just becomes overwhelming. All this medical invasion into our lives is so alien that it stops us from thinking about anything else. One step at a time. I thought I would never handle how sick I felt on Thursday but I’m still here and going out to watch a football match in an hour. Little victories are all we can judge this by at the moment. I can’t imagine how I would feel if my wife or son were going through this. Sometimes just being there is all that matters. 

  • Hi ya 

    Hubby has oesophageal cancer. Had a stent fitted last year 

    Re nutrition 

    So tips add sour cream to things

    Curry chilli anything you lije taste of and Blitz the bee geebers out of it in a blender to the consultancy you can easily swallow

    Fizzy drinks help clear it down ( stent tip) so drink to help it teavel

    Smaller amounts are better than none

    Lots of gravy sauce to smooth thst mash down

    And also things like quavers melt in the mouth 

    Yogurt without lumps 

    And hang in there. .....

  • Thanks, yes I know youre right. Just want to know the stage that they say it is, and the date chemo will start at last. I have wished many times that I could have it instead of my son - that's the problem with the people who love the ones with the disease, you just don't want to see them going through this & want to take it away..

    You are managing great obviously, still getting out when you can and taking it as it comes day by day till you reach the end of this unexpected journey. Imagine looking back on this in the future and you'll wonder how you got through but were all stronger than we realise.  

  • Hi. Yes, my son blends up...wait for it potato & leek soup with a whole tube of primula cheese spread.  He adds spices to stuff & he has cheesy wotsits & quavers like you mentioned.

  • Does a stent allow solid food or not?

  • Hi Karen

    A stent is a tube that holds the oesophagus open ( used when the tumour is closing it) 

    Yes it is done to allow the patient to be able to swallow .....soft diet etc 

    Hubby has had it eight months now 

     I thing the leak soup with primula chesse is a top tip 

    Thanks for sharing

    I hope you hear soon so you know exactly what is what

    The waiting is the worst

    I have sons too so Mum vibes to you 

    Fingers crossed for good news 

  • Thanks. So has your hubby had any chemo yet? I know all the tests they do are crucial to getting the right treatment etc but every case of this I have read about have FLOT chemo then Ivor-Lewis op then more FLOT chemo so I don't know why they don't just get on with it. I think you can tell I am anxious for them to get treating it. Its 7 weeks today since diagnosis. They have told him hes having FLOT, Ivor Lewis op etc and that the oncologist will be in touch 'shortly' 

  • Hi it took exactly 12 weeks from diagnosis to my first treatment last Monday. It does seem an age. The time however is not a factor. The operation recovery can be slightly different according to the individual but only by a couple of weeks. Also th amount of Flot varies from person to person afterwards. Some people don’t have any afterwards. I hope you get answers soon.