
Hi it's my third day into chemo , as the days go by the side effects are kicking in, today iv been full of pain in my spine and joints,, feeling very fatigued and upset, the nausea is under control which is good.has anyone had similar side effects please .

  • I haven’t started my treatment yet but I hope you are feeling ok and feeling strong enough to get through this. Just think every session is a step closer to recovery. Sending hugs 

  • Thankyou  as long as the neasea is under control I can deal with it,, just taking each day as it comes and each side effect as it comes, IV got to do this !!!

  • Good luck for your future treatment, hope all goes well for you too hugs to you 

  • I am on round three of chemo which I had today.  Side effects wise I have experienced hair loss at round 2 which was expected so nearly bald, nose bleeds, heart burn and acid reflux (I got some pills from the acid reflux from my GP, crispy tongue, chemo mouth, taste changes (my advice is drink plenty of water), but the worst has been the stomach cramps and diarrhea so they told me take the anti-diarrhea pill after first episode.  I also tend to feel sick around my immune booster injections at home.  The worst symptom was aniphylaxtic shock on chemo treatment 2 at hospital, I felt chest pressure and tingling up my face and head, and told them immediately and they responded as an emergency and gave me anti-histamines.

    I haven't really had joint pain and only a bit of fatigue.  I notice my symptoms tend to go in a cycle, I tend to be ok a few days after chemo, then the symptoms all kick in for a 4-5 days, then I am ok again.  In terms of upset I have had one day that I felt really upset because something triggered it and I was coming up to my period as well which might have had an impact on emotions, in general I feel I am coping well but the surgery part worries me.

    I would suggest speaking to your oncology team and providing them with an update just to check that everything is ok and if they have any advice as my understanding is that chemo can impact bone marrow which could effect the joints, additionally did you have a CT scan as I suppose it depends where your cancer/tumour is as it might be pressing on body parts or be part of referred pain.