Hi . I had routine C.T scan on 16th November just gone, and within four days I had a call to say a nodule on right upper lung was detected. Within two weeks I was sent for a PET scan and a lung function test, and the doctors held an MDT meeting on a Tuesday evening and the next morning had a call to go to oncology dept to discuss findings. Was told that the nodule was highly suspicious of a lung cancer, and I was offered surgery . I accepted the offer and had to go for an ultrasound on my heart, then met the surgeon who thinks it’s pretty high chance it’s a cancer . Have had a contrast CT this week just gone, and have agreed to a fit for surgery assessment ( some kind of research I think) . Was wondering how long it will take for the actual surgery? I was told at oncology my nodule is 1cm and surgery is aiming at a curative treatment ? I’m scared it will grow quickly and maybe spread ? There were no signs of spread in early December . Thanks, sorry if I’m rambling but it’s been one really anxious couple of months ….