Endometrial cancer diagnosis early stage: I have agoraphobia and fear going to a large hospital

Found out couple of days ago after different test that I have early cancer in lining and have been offered a hysterectomy at a major hospital. I suffer from severe anxiety ocd ptsd agoraphobia am absolutely petrified as I know I can't get to the hospital to see the Dr's and to have my operation I'm pleading with Dr's to transfer me to a smaller hospital I'm crying all time m have intrusive thoughts and nightmares I know I have to have this operation and I'm scared but I'll have the op but I can't cope with the thought of going to the hospital I can't even go 10 minutes down the road without panicking sometimes I'm indoors and get intrusive thoughts and start panicking I really don't know what to do surely there is other people that too have agoraphobia and been transferred to another hospital  

  • Hi Pinklady77,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to hear of your worries and I can understand this must be daunting for you.

    Try to discuss this with the doctor - even if it's not possible to transfer you somewhere else, it would be good for them to be aware and to see if some assistance can be put in place for you to help make things a little easier.

    It may also be worth speaking to someone close to you about this, to see if they would perhaps be able to come with you.

    I'm not sure if there are any particular strategies that tend to work well for you, but you could break the journey down into very small steps. For example leaving the front door, getting to your mode of transport, each part of the journey, getting to the hospital front door, and so on.

    If you feel you'd like to talk things through with someone about this, our nurses are available on freephone 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator