Kidney Cancer

I was told over the Phone today that the mass found on my Kidney when I had a CT scan for a pseudo bowel obstruction, is 5cm and cancerous this was a complete shock.

They want me to have another CT scan to see if it has grown since my last CT as this has appeared out of nowhere. I say that it has grown very quickly as I had MRI's to check for Arthritis and that showed a large cyst on my ovary last year . This did not show any abnormality on my kidney at that time so in 1 year this has grown from nothing to 5 cm. 

I read all the statistics for survival and I am scared :'(

  • Hello mummybern, 

    I can imagine the kidney cancer diagnosis came as a complete shock to you and I hope that the CT scan will shed some light on whether it has grown and what further treatment you might need. It's really hard being told the news on the phone, it can feel a little like a bombshell and you only get a general sense of the diagnosis at the moment rather than all the details. Hopefully you will get more clarity soon after you have had the CT scan  and some proper answers and in the meantime have a look at the reliable information we have on our website on kidney cancer and if there is anything you want to talk about or ask our cancer nurses, do give them a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Keep away from the temptation to look things up like statistics especially as you haven't really got the full picture of your diagnosis and these survival statistics need to be taken with a big pinch of salt. 

    I just wanted you to know you are not alone and I thought I would mention a couple of members of our community who have had a recent kidney cancer diagnosis so you can support one another during this uncertain and stressful time.  for example posted this kidney cancer thread and don't hesitate to respond and share your story. Similarly,  's husband was also diagnosed with kidney cancer and you can read their story on this thread

    I hope that you find out more soon about your treatment options and that you will hear from others here who have had a similar diagnosis before and that they will come and share their experience with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator