Just Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer and I'm heartbroken. Any tips on how to stay positive?

Hi all! I thought I'd reach out as I'm struggling at the minute. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer yesterday. I had a hysteroscopy to remove polyps and put a coil in but when the Dr touched the polyp with an instrument she felt it was sinister. She was unable to get to my womb as there was a mass blocking the entrance. Anyway, got the results yesterday and I was just heartbroken. I still am. I had hoped I could have a hysterectomy to get it out but the Dr thinks it has spread so that's not possible. I'm now awaiting an appointment for a pep scan which absolutely terrifies me. 

I literally feel like my head is all over the place and the limbo bit it hard. I've got two young children and I'm terrified to leave them and my hubby. I feel so angry, then I'm sad, then I'm numb. It's just horrible. I'm struggling to stay positive. Is there anyone else that feels or has felt this way? Or any little tips on how to stay positive? X

  • Deecool1620

    Hi Dee I've just read your post  its so hard to take in when your given  news like this, but reaching out to people on here may help. My cancer wasn't the same as yours,but it still hits you like a ton of bricks when your given any cancer diognoses, it just feels like your in a bad dream,that your wishing would stop and you'll wake up from it and just be you again. 

    But in time when you really process it,and you get all your test results that may need to be done,and you speak to  your oncologist ,and you know what your dealing with and what can be done to help you going forward ,it helps. You can start to focus and get your head round it a lot better. 

    Your oncologist will talk you through all your options ,and what's the best way to help you. They are professionals and deal with lots of people on a daily basis,write down all the questions that are in your head  that you need answer to,like what is lengh of treatments if they offer them ,ie  operations, chemo  radiotherapy,  side effects etc, this helps ,it helped me ,aa when discussing things it's a lot to take in,I found writing down what was said helped me. 

    There are so many things that helped me to get through it,I stopped feeling sorry for myself,and changed my thoughts to im so glad this cancer got found ,as if it didn't, and I hadn't of known I probably wouldn't be here now. You will find,as you go through this ,just how strong you really are,even if you dont think this at this present time,its the total shock taking over  at the start  but your positive logic head will kick in,once you  speak to yoir oncologist and cancer care team . Hope, this helps  you ,I really do. Big hugs sent your way .

  •    Honestly, thank you so much. I need to hear words of encouragement like this. I'm just all over the place. I really am. I have 2 girls aged 4 and 8 and it breaks my heart to think that I'll have to leave them. These things are all going around in my head. I just keep saying to myself "I think it's spread" "what if they just send me home and say sorry there's nothing we can do" ... everything is going through my mind. But I really need to have hope and be positive. I know that. Every ache and pain makes me think "what if it's cancer there too" . Thank you for your words they have honestly helped me so much x

  • Deecool162

    Bless you,it's normal how yoir feeling ,it really is your head just keeps popping in all the negative thoughts that make you worry,it's not nice but I had excactly the same thoughts, my adult  son w diognosed with testicular cancer just before I found my breast lumo,ti have a daughter who is the eldest too I dreaded telling them,it was in 2020 and covid wasn't helping . My thoughts were for th both,as thier father ,my husband had commited suicide in 1997,they were aged 12 and 15/ nearly 16 at the time. So I was in a bad place,I was thier only parent left,and the possibility that me and m son wouldn't survive kept popping into my head. But I got thriugh it,my son got through it,it's have many on here ,it  doesn't  do you any good to dwell on what the worst case scenario could be we a do.it at the start,because we are human,and us humans tend to do this,as the shock of it mucks are minds up to begin with. But you will start to think positively, positive thoughts attract good pos ive energy,and wete all made up of energy ,so tell yourself I've got this,I can do this,believe it,and you will start to  feel more in control and positive about dealing with whst ever your faced wi . Another big hug sent your way,always here if you need to chat  vent to get things of your mind  and turn your thoughts to positive ones. .