
Can I ask what a magseed is please

  • Hi Annette,

    A magseed is a small stainless steel device, which is injected close to a breast cancer tumour. This helps the surgeon to locate the lump at the time of surgery and is usually removed, along with the tumour, at the time of surgery. Are you due to have this procedure carried out?

    Jolamine xx

  • Oh I think I've had it already. I had 9 on 23rd Dec. They said they were putting metal clips in. I am waiting for my results on 2nd Jan. One lump is the nasty but they didn't know about the others. I didn't realise that what they were called. I am so scared to find out what stage etc I am. Thanks for your reply xxxx

  • Hi Annette,

    That would be the metal clips that you've already had inserted. Waiting for biopsy results is one of the worst parts of our cancer journey. Irrespective of the outcome, you feel better once you know the outcome. I sincerely hope that you have caught this early. Mine was early and although I've had 2 bouts within a year, I am still her 15 years on.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you're getting on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Morning 

    That means alot. I can't sleep, the things going round in my mind are unreal. My husband is taking it really bad and it's affecting how I feel. I am trying to be upbeat and want to do things with friends and family and he doesn't. He's really down and it's making me worse. I know how hard this is on everyone especially him. 

    I just keep thinking why?? Why me, but I realise 1 in 2 people get it so either me or my daughter or son I'd rather it was me. My husband has just got over skin cancer too so thats 2 out of 4 of us.

    I can't get my head round in the space of 10 days my whole world has been turned upside down. We had so much planned for 2025. 

    I am sitting here now in floods of tears, scared of the outcome and worried for my family. 

    Lots of love 

    A xxx

  • Morning Annette,

    I'm so sorry that you're dealing with all this. Sending you a virtual hug....

    With your husband so down that makes it even harder for you! Have you got anyone close to you to be positive with? I'm not saying he's not, but you need support...

    I'll send you a private message,

    Lisa xx