
Who is on letrozole  and how do you find it. Has anyone been put on it before surgery.  This has all been so overwhelming  for me and all I want to do is cry . I feel sick about the surgery  .


  • Hi I don’t know if this is much help but my mum wA a diagnosed with breast cancer and was started on letrozole they have removed the cancerous lump successfully and she now takes a tablet every day as a preventative she has no problems with this and takes it before bed each night so I there were any side effects it’s usually through the night but she has been fine every since removing the lump . I’m sorry you’re feeling so upset it’s a massive thing getting a diagnosis I’m thinking is yours also the breast ? There are nurses in here as well that you can ask questions to or ask advise if that will help you in any way sending lots of love ((hugs)) your way xx

  • Offline in reply to T66

    Hi t66 

    Thank you for replying.  So glad you mum is doing well . Xxx

  • Offline in reply to HARRY24

    Your welcome I hope you have a healthy 2015 x

  • Offline in reply to HARRY24

    Have you got a date for Surgery hope you coping xx

  • Offline in reply to T66

    Hi T66 

     I think it's the 22nd January. I am having the magseed fitted Friday  xx 


  • Hi Jo,

    People are often put on Letrozole before surgery, as this can sometimes reduce the size of the tumour before your operation. Please try not to panic about your surgery. I have had a lumpectomy followed by a double mastectomy the following year. I was in a terrible state, before I went into theatre. I don't know why, as both operations were perfectly straightforward and I am still here and doing well 15 years on.

    I hope all goes well with your magseed on Friday - again all very straightforward. Place your faith in your surgeon. This is something that is done day and daily and I am sure that your care team will do all they possibly can for you.

    I took Tamoxifen for the first year, but changed to Letrozole, after I discovered the second cancer. If you have any questions, I shall be happy to answer them for you.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you,

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you jolamine I will try not to. Had a bad day today. Had my magseed fitted. It a bit sore . I really need pull myself  together. I amreally not coping very well. So  down xx