Just diagnosed early stage breast cancer

Hi everyone,

So I was diagnosed just before Christmas with stage 1 breast cancer & is it awful to say that I feel pretty much ok with it? It is very small, 8mm, & was picked up on my yearly mammogram. I have yearly ones because of my mum's history with breast cancer, although she didn't have the faulty gene so I guess it must just be a coincidence that I've got it too.

Because it's so small & has been caught very early I feel very lucky. I actually struggle when people are so sympathetic to me. My consultant said it's highly treatable & very likely curable so I feel very positive. People telling me how sorry they are actually frustrates me. I know they genuinely care but I'm ok, I'm not dying! Does that sound terrible? 

Having the magseed put in next week & a lumpectomy & lymph nodes removed 2 wks later.

It'll be ok,
