Just diagnosed early stage breast cancer

Hi everyone,

So I was diagnosed just before Christmas with stage 1 breast cancer & is it awful to say that I feel pretty much ok with it? It is very small, 8mm, & was picked up on my yearly mammogram. I have yearly ones because of my mum's history with breast cancer, although she didn't have the faulty gene so I guess it must just be a coincidence that I've got it too.

Because it's so small & has been caught very early I feel very lucky. I actually struggle when people are so sympathetic to me. My consultant said it's highly treatable & very likely curable so I feel very positive. People telling me how sorry they are actually frustrates me. I know they genuinely care but I'm ok, I'm not dying! Does that sound terrible? 

Having the magseed put in next week & a lumpectomy & lymph nodes removed 2 wks later.

It'll be ok,


  • Hi lisa I am having mine fitted 3 Jan.  When you having yours 


  • Hi 

    You are not alone.  I’m struggling with people’s sympathy too.

    I was diagnosed just before Xmas when the biopsy results came back. Mine didn’t show on a routine mammogram but I had noticed a slight movement difference of the skin under my breast when I raised my arms. I had to push to get an appointment at the breast clinic. The consultant couldn’t feel anything but they did an ultrasound . It picked up an indeterminate lump the size of an orange pip. 

    Yes It was a shock because I lead a really healthy lifestyle with no history of cancer in the family.   I have no risk factors except being over 55. The waiting for appointments and results was hideous but now i have diagnosis and a treatment plan I feel much better. 

    I just feel so grateful that i found it early, that it’s tiny and that it’s the slow growing type. Yes it’s not great,  but there’s a whole lot of diagnoses which could have been worse. I know that it will be *** after my surgery for a while. But right now, I’m ok

     I’ve only told a handful of people but I’m struggling to cope with their reactions. I find myself needing to reassure and comfort them because they seem much more worried and sad than I am???!? I really don’t want to tell anyone else . But I guess I have to ??  

    I’ve realised that the word cancer is triggering for many people and you never know what they have lurking in their past. Even so it’s hard to be on the receiving end of it. 

  • 2nd Jan & op on the 15th x

  • Hi,

    thank you for your reply. I've told different clients that I work with that I will be off work for around 6 wks, so I didn't really have a choice in who to tell. I think because mine is grade 1 & I feel well I can't really believe I have cancer, it feels very surreal. 

    What treatment do you have planned? I am having a magseed insertion on the 2nd Jan & a lumpectomy on the 15th. Just hoping my lymph nodes will be clear. Then I'll have radiotherapy & tablets xx

  • I think our situation is similar. The surgeon did her  ‘bomb drop’ with lots of scary words which I didn’t relate to at all. However, she kept telling me to focus on the words “very small and very treatable”  

    like you mine is grade 1, oestrogen and progesterone positive. But HER negative.

    I have a lumpectomy booked for the 21st of Jan. It will be wire guided. Not sure why.  Maybe because mine is multifocal. (There is a second small lump just behind the first. ) They are treating it as one and removing it in one chunk rather than in 2 bits. 
    I'm then also having radiotherapy and tablets. 

    The bit that worries me at the moment is having to come off HRT. I didn’t go onto it lightly, I was struggling to function through hideous brain fog and insomnia. How about you? 

    ive been on annual leave since the diagnosis ( Xmas eve)  and not due back until the 13th!  So just a week of being face to face with people before I’m off again. .

    Could I ask? Did you tell clients you have breast cancer or did you just say something vague? 

    Anne Xxx 

  • Hi Anne,

    So I've had hardly any menopause symptoms & still have periods although very irregular. I get the occasional hot flush but nothing bad really. My friend also had the same diagnosis & is about 4 wks ahead of me. She was on hrt & came off so now having lots of hot flushes. She will be taking tramadol but is looking into whether to take it or not because she thinks it'll only increase her life expectancy by 1%. She's worried about the symptoms whereas I told her she should take it & see, she may not suffer as everyone's different.

    I told my clients (I clean houses) exactly what's happening. A few of them knew I'd had a biopsy anyway & I wanted to prepare them for me not being around for a while. 

    My paperwork says grade 1 invasive ductal cancer, oestrogen receptor positive, her2- receptor low.

    Lisa xx

  • I was diagnosed Halloween grade 1 invasive. Lumpectomy was 3rd December. Follow up last week they are sending sample to California to determine if chemo would be beneficial. That was on the cards initially so has thrown me. I will also have radiotherapy and medication for 5 weeks. I’m back to work next week. Finding driving still uncomfortable due to seatbelt but I have option to work at home if needed. Best Wishes 

  • Just realised I said the wrong drug name for what my friend is taking . She's on letrozole not tramadol. I think that's a strong painkiller

  • Offline in reply to Lisann69

    Hi Lisa, Can I ask how old you are? I was diagnosed on Christmas Eve with grade 0 DCiS intermediate growth and am awaiting further results on 13 Jan on some other cells so I don’t have a treatment plan yet other than they’ve told me I’ll need surgery in around 4 weeks.

    I’ve just turned 50 and like you, don’t really have any signs of the menopause. Most months I have a period and then sometimes I don’t but I’m pretty rubbish and haven’t actively monitored it. 

    The nurse said I’d need hormone therapy to block the oestrogen so I guess that will speed up the menopause. 

    Sending positive vibes to everyone x

  • Hi N1ck,

    I'm 55, 56 in January. I just get the occasional hot flushes but that's all really. I do have yearly mammograms which I am so thankful for because my lump is so small, even my consultant couldn't feel it. 

    Yes, I think the drugs will do that but not everyone experiences the same side effects if any.

    I love making lists so in a Notes section on my phone I have lots of folders with lists of different things. I note down when I get my period & the date. Just checked & I'm currently on day 85 of no period, longest ever gap.