Breast cancer, newly diagnosed and currently pregnant

Hi everyone,

I'm sure I'm not the first to say this but I never post on things like this!

I'm 34, 7 months pregnant and about to start chemotherapy today for breast cancer. Just over 3 weeks ago I was none the wiser about any of this, when in a pregnancy yoga class I had to lie on a gym ball and felt uncomfortable. Found what felt like a tiny lump, a bit like a spot under the skin. Fast forward to now and I can't even describe how much it's changed. It's in my lymph nodes too, but not formally staged at this point as staging scans not done yet (this feels like a blessing and a curse).

Saw oncologist on Friday and was feeling positive that treatment is starting so soon (they've been amazing) but also battling the inevitable fears. 

I will also have to take a break in treatment fairly soon to have my baby, which is scary on both fronts!

Determined to do anything and everything to get better, but needed somewhere to say stuff to give my husband a break - I can see the fear on his face and it breaks my heart. The fear of missing out on the future we'd planned is the worst. 

Thanks for reading.

  • Hello Heather34

    I'm so sorry to hear about your recent breast cancer diagnosis. It's always hard to receive this news but I can imagine that there are so many other layers of questions and concerns given that you're currently 7 months pregnant. I'm sure that the past few weeks have been a real rollercoaster of emotions for you and your husband. 

    How did you get on with your first treatment on Monday? I hope that you've not felt too unwell following the session. It's good to hear that you felt positive after seeing the Oncologist. Do lean on your treatment team and specialist breast nurse for any support and advice that you need. And that goes for your husband too. 

    Hopefully, you both have lots of family and friends around you who can offer support whilst you're going through treatment and help once the baby arrives to give you both some help and reassurance. 

    I'm glad that you've found the Cancer Chat community. Please keep posting if it helps to have a safe space to put down in writing how you're feeling. We're here to listen and will do all we can to support you. If you want to talk with one of our nurses at any point you can call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays). 

    I hope that you and your husband can enjoy the Christmas period even if you're not feeling particularly festive. It sounds like it won't be too long before baby is here and keeping you both on your toes so enjoy the chance to spend some time together and relax if you can. 

    Keep in touch. Sending you both my very best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Jenn,

    Thanks for your kind reply. I don't honestly think I can fathom how quickly this has taken hold and how different the (near) future looks now.

    Unfortunately on Monday I had a bad reaction to the first drug I was being given, which included abdominal cramps. This meant I had to go to MAU to check the baby was ok and I didn't get any treatment that day in the end. The staff were amazing though and got me back in first thing on Tuesday to have the second drug I'd missed out on the day before. Now have very mixed feelings of being pleased we've started but also feeling like I've not had my full first treatment, and although a plan is in place for my full treatment next week, I feel like I'm panicking about the break I have to take in only about 3-4 weeks time to build in some recovery time from the chemo to have the baby.

    My husband and I are doing everything we can to have a normal Christmas, although I am still having the odd wobble that I know affects him badly. 

    Thank you for your very kind reply and I do hope you have had a lovely Christmas break too.