I had breast cancer last year - surgery, radiotherapy and all ok. Just found I have uterus cancer cells and need total hysterectomy.
I had breast cancer last year - surgery, radiotherapy and all ok. Just found I have uterus cancer cells and need total hysterectomy.
Hello Dusky51
I'm so sorry to hear that following treatment for breast cancer last year, you've now been told that you need further surgery for uterine cancer. It's understandable that you may have felt overwhelmed by a rollercoaster of thoughts and emotions since getting this news.
When will the hospital say when you will be given a date for your surgery? Hopefully, you won't have to wait too long and the team will be in a position to give you some reassurance afterwards.
Our nurses are now out of the office for the festive break but if you would like to talk things through with them they're available again from 9am on Friday morning on 0808 800 4040.
I hope that you're able to enjoy the next few days with family and friends. Keep in touch Dusky51 and let us know how you get on.
Best wishes,
Cancer Chat moderator