Cancerous cervical polyp

Hi! I am 45 and just been diagnosed, I have had 18 months of irregular bleeding/spotting, a year of ultrasounds concentrating on my ovaries etc, went for my routine smear and they couldn’t do it due to a very large polyp in my cervix, I was assured that 98% of polyps are benign. I was referred within 2 weeks for removal. After being called back and told I was to see a consultant I knew it was bad news, he said they weren’t expecting what they found and it’s a rare sarcoma, he said names but I didn’t catch them as was in shock. I’ve had my ct scan, biopsy’s and an mri booked next week, pre op for a full hysterectomy is also next week. Things have moved so fast. Im feeling very scared to the point I can’t sleep or eat. Im so worried it has spread beyond my womb. Has anyone else had anything like this? 

  • Hello K-star, 

    Poor you it's very bad luck what happened to you after being told that 98% of polyps are benign and finding out that this was a rare sarcoma. What a shock it must have been for you but it sounds like things are moving fast with the CT scan, biopsies and the MRI booked for next week already. I hope that the pre-op for the full hysterectomy goes well next week and we have information on our website on the radical hysterectomy you might find useful. It might be a very scary time for you but it's good that things are moving very fast and you are in the best possible hands so that they can act swiftly and so that you can get treated as soon as possible. Perhaps it might be worth mentioning to your GP that your sleep and appetite are understandably affected by all this and if things don't improve, they will I am sure have some helpful suggestions for you. It is normal to be worried when going through something like this especially as it all came as a bit of a shock but try if you can not to anticipate that it has spread beyond the womb and I am keeping everything crossed that it hasn't and that the surgery will be a success. 

    I hope that you will hear from other members of our community who have been through something like this before and that they will be happy to share their own experience with you. 

    Wishing you the best of luck for your surgery - I hope that it all goes well and that you make a quick and full recovery. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi there 

    I'm searching for folk who have experience with cervical polyps and came across your post. I'm so sorry you haven't had very good news and I wish you all the best. 


  • Hi, I had good news this week that the sarcoma is just in my womb and nowhere else in my body. Hysterectomy on the 16th. 
    Have you had similar? 

  • I'm glad despite everything you can draw a positive in that its contained and hope your surgery goes well. 

    I'm way back at investigation stage. My GP found a cervical polyp and I've been having discomfort and discharge for 1.5 months. 

    I also have a history of ovarian cysts and fibroids that the Dr's didn't think were big enough to do anything about (back in 2023)

    I guess I'm worried about my scan this week. 

    Same time you have way more going on.

    Well wishes to you. 

  • Have you had your scan yet? 
    I had my surgery on Thursday and am very sore! But glad the womb is gone, my results are on February 4th. 

  • Firstly I'm glad your surgery went OK and although sore, you're somewhat relieved. 

    My scan revealed another ovarian cyst, this time, on the right side and fibroids. The sonographer said nothing to worry about other than managing pain as they're too small to treat. They also mentioned the cervical polyp and asked if I was referred to Gynaecology. 

    When I arrived home I chased up my Colposcopy referral and they said its a 22 week wait for urgent referrals... I'm shocked it's such a long wait. (a general referral can be up to 90 weeks wait!)

    So that means I'll be waiting until June for the Colposcopy, when I'm extremely uncomfortable day to day. I'm also worried  as the polyp is considered to be on the larger side. I hope it's nothing to be concerned about given the long wait!

  • I would push for this polyp to be seen too, mine was large and I was put on a 2 week cancer path or she said I’d be waiting 18 months! 
    Thank god she did! 

    Are you having irregular bleeding or just discharge? I had lots of weird discharge with a funny smell, tell them you can feel the polyp and it feels a bit like pressure there, they may fast track you in. 

  • I have just seen your post.  I have the same diagnosis and fears.  My hysterectomy should have been on 15th, but my stats all fell at the start of the surgery.  The decision was made to abort the surgery, so the surgeon had to sew my belly button slit back up and  the anaesthetists reversed the. Anaesthetic. I had a pulmonary embolism 15 years ago and they feared I had a recurrence.   This whole process is traumatic.  I woke in recovery with lots of people surrounding me. Thankfully CT scan was clear but xray showed remnants of a chest infection.  I still want surgery and my consultant has said they will put a plan together. The MDT meeting is today, so hopefully I’ll hear something. The cancer is still growing in my womb and my head is overthinking everything. 

  • I have a phone appointment with my GP on Monday and I'm going to ask if she's able to help in me being seen sooner. I have had strange discharge and bloating since December, which is why I had the initial examination where the GP found the polyp and referred me. It's uncomfortable enough for me to feel and I cant be intimate with my partner.