Hi everyone - just had diagnosis of bowel cancer confirmed yesterday- what a great Christmas present! Anyway trying to feel positive but it is very hard. Anyone else out there feeling the same?
Hi everyone - just had diagnosis of bowel cancer confirmed yesterday- what a great Christmas present! Anyway trying to feel positive but it is very hard. Anyone else out there feeling the same?
Was diagnosed after colonoscopy on 14th Dec. Until you know the severity of it, you can't really assess prospects. Unfortunately it depends on the individual how well they take it.
What I can tell you is cancer is not the death sentence everyone thinks it is (i have had prostate cancer, and prostate removed 3 years ago). Survival rate of 5 years+ is 95% for grade 1, 85% for grade 2, 65 % for grade 3, and 10% for grade 4. 5yrs plus is there because they don't monitor after 5 yrs so only know stats up to there
Don't google too much, lots of rabbit holes out there. Stick to NHS and Cancer UK sites for main info.
Hi Pap
I've just has the same diagnosis today. Had almost convinced myself it was something less severe.
I've posted more on another thread.
What have they told you are your next steps, if you're happy to share?
Had a call from hospital today - they need to do another colonoscopy as the previous histology was inconclusive but CT was clear so going in on Minday
Hope it goes well for you, Pap. Sorry you need another colonoscopy- not fun. But great to hear the CT scan was clear