Squamous cell carcinoma

Hi this is my first post I have recently had a very large lump removed from my upper left arm and the results came back as squamous cell and was staged at 3 this was unusual as it had grown on a previous basal cell removal scar . I have to go back into hospital as I didn't have clear margins but this time I need to have a skin graft as there isn't enough skin to close it up. I have also been told I will need radiotherapy. Another big problem I have is my shoulder of the same arm was not good  before all this and since the operation to remove the lump it's ten times worse and I have been diagnosed with frozen shoulder so I am in agony I'm worried that it may have spread into my shoulder I've had my lymph node's checked by feel and they seem to think there ok but they were confused how swollen my arm still was 6 weeks after surgery. Anyone had a similar issue. Very worried! I have a plastic surgeon appointment tomorrow. Thanks 

  • Hi Shelley

    I guess that after your op to remove the SCC from your arm you had to keep from stretching or moving your arm too much and not sleep on your left side. If you already had a shoulder injury this lack of movement could have led to your frozen shoulder.

    I am currently suffering from a frozen shoulder and it really does hurt night and day. You need to keep arm moving  check out the wall exercises and moving arm in circular motions. I cannot have a streoid injection in the shoulder which can help as it would cancel out the immunotherapy I am having.

    The medical team looking after you will be keenly aware to check you for any spread of the cancer. The radiotherapy after your next op will help to kill any cancer cells that may still be present. The swelling will eventually go down it often takes a few months from my experience of having many of these over past 30 years.

    Whenever you have any concerns no matter how small tell the team and you have an ideal chance tomorrow when you talk with the plastic surgeon. Write down your questions and concerns before the appointment or you may forget something.

    Best wishes and success for your coming treatments.


  • Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and your advice , what you have said all makes sense. It's all abit daunting but I suppose it's tthe unknown we all worry about at least today I will get answers to my questions and definitely a good idea to write them down. Many thanks again 

    1. Just to update I had the operation and skin graft I must say it was extremely painful and the frozen shoulder was a nightmare. I had my results and was diagnosed with a very rare cancer called Porocarcinoma  which develops in the sweat glands. The original wound took a lot of healing as it was pretty severe but it has eventually healed and I start radiotherapy in a weeks time and have 30 sessions over 6 weeks . It has taken me a while to recover but I feel strong and positive and my shoulder has made some improvements so I am as ready as I can be to take on the next step .