Newly diagnosed with breast cancer

I am having a lumpectomy and need a radioactive tracer put in my breast which I'm worried about. Also I'm going to have a blue dye injected into me. I'm a fainter and know I'll pass-out during this procedure.  I'm very anxious. Does anyone have any advice or comfort to give please?

  • OK.  Will accept where do I do that x 

  • Hi, much the same, 18mm ER PR positive HER2 negative, told radiotherapy … but have ache in my arm / shoulder & keep reading about Metastasis when I start to look into things … as you say late at night when can sleep …. Op pencilled in for 14th but keep getting pins & needles & hoping its all stress related 

    jumped on post as dates similar & hoping stress symptoms similar too

    good luck all xxx  

  • Hi Debs,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Stress accounts for a lot at this stage of your cancer journey. Many of us imagine all sorts of aches and pains after a diagnosis. Fortunately, most of these die down after we have had surgery. As for metastasis, your biopsy tells your surgeon a lot. The tissue that is removed during your operation will also be sent for testing, along with any lymph nodes that are removed. This will indicate whether or not there is any spread and will also indicate whether or not a clear margin was attained at the time of your surgery. Place your faith in your care team. They will leave no stone unturned.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you . I will  x

  • Hi Debs 27 

    I am trying not to read to much from Google because I feel I would have a nervous  breakdown  lol . This diagnosis  has knocked me for 6 . Gl on your journey . 


  • Thank you so much, hope am just overthinking as told its at the back …. The waiting is the worst … thank you for your positive words xx 

  • Hi Jo, 

    think i am going to have to stop too … was ok in the day … got bed & mind in overdrive 

    good luck too … we are strong … we will conquer xxx  

  • HiDebs247

    I know what you mean. Not been sleeping


  • Thank you for sharing about relatively newly diagnosed stage one breast cancer- I am in the same spot. Awaiting final biopsy result but been told I at least need a lumpectomy with treatment afterwards- Jolamine thank you for your encouraging words- you’re really inspiring. I am just very fatigued emotionally with the worry of how to best tell my elderly parents this news.

  • Offline in reply to Debs247

    Hi all. I was diagnosed with grade 3 cancer last week which was a real shock. I know exactly what you mean ref google. I find the worst time to overthink is when I’m walking my dog or lying g in bed trying to get off to sleep. I’ve been advised that I need 6 months chemo before surgery which I star in the 8th. No idea how I’m going to feel but if I rely too much on google I frighten myself half to death. Like Debs247 said we are strong and we will get through this. ALL of us !!

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