Newly diagnosed with breast cancer

I am having a lumpectomy and need a radioactive tracer put in my breast which I'm worried about. Also I'm going to have a blue dye injected into me. I'm a fainter and know I'll pass-out during this procedure.  I'm very anxious. Does anyone have any advice or comfort to give please?

  • No you’re welcome. I was initially told radiotherapy (18 week wait) and medication for 5 years-assume hormone? When I went first my 2 week check up after surgery I was told they are sending sample to California for Oncotype DX test which might suggest I could benefit from chemo. Wasn’t prepared for that so another long wait for results. If yes I will have that before radiotherapy. Each persons treatment is so different. I’m back at work next week but driving is uncomfortable as seatbelt goes across breast. 

  • Gosh, thats tough about the chemo. But did you say that you'd been already told before that is was a possibility? Was that before you're lumpectomy? 

    I'm taking a full 6 wks off because I have a very physical job & I'm left handed (it's my left breast & armpit). I'll probably try to ease myself back in slowly. Fortunately I walk everywhere for my work so no issue with the seat belt but I'll probably be knackered!

  • I was not told about chemo at any point before surgery. I am 3 weeks post surgery and still tired. I don’t sleep well as I’m having to adjust how I sleep to compensate for tenderness. I have a heart shaped cushion I bought which has been invaluable to give space between arm and breast. 

  • Ah ok, I'm sorry. Yes I can imagine if chemo was mentioned that would be a whole new thing to get your head around. 

    I've been given a couple of heart cushions too so good to hear how useful they are.

  • I’m happy to keep in touch with personal message if you like? Whereabouts are you from? Up North or South England? 

  • Yes, ok, that's good. I'm up North in Northumberland. Where abouts are you?

  • South England near Brighton 

  • Hi Lisa

    Both on the 15th January- that's actually a comfort.

    I had my tracer done just before Christmas. It was similar to the biopsy really. 

    I'm having the blue dye the morning before my surgery and I'm dreading it.

    My tumour is a Grade 2. It's progesterone, estrogen and HER2 receptive so I'll have chemo and radiotherapy afterwards. 

    How are you feeling about all this Lisa??


  • Hi Kitty,

    I think to know you have to have chemo must be a lot harder to deal with. To be completely honest, I'm absolutely fine about it all, but at the moment only radiotherapy & tablets have been mentioned. Of course I will be anxious about the results after the op, to know if my lymph nodes are clear.

    My mum had breast cancer twice during her life & went through it all with no complaints. The way I see it is to just focus on the here & now. Let's not worry about what we don't know. I know right now I feel perfectly fine & well, I don't feel ill. There may come a time when I get bad news but there may not & I'm not going to spend time now worrying about something that might not happen.

    I'm sorry you're dreading it so much. What is it that you're most anxious about? The whole day? 

    We've got this! We can hold each others hand thru it xx

  • Thanks Lisa, and you're absolutely right, and I'm doing really well with not worrying! Once I'm doing normal stuff, housework etc or playing with my grandkids, I'm fine.

    At night, I can't sleep and I start thinking!!! And there's nothing worse than thinking, is there??

    I'm worried most about the injection of the blue dye because I've read that it's very painful and I don't do well with pain. My bp drops and I pass-out. 

    I know I sound like a big baby but . . . Well I think I am!!!

    I'm glad you're ok and feeling well. 
