Not sure how to feel - waiting for breast biopsy results after small lump found during ultrasound

Hi all. I have recently had a biopsy of my breast and just waiting on the results. I was referred to the breast clinic after my routine mammogram was unclear. They took further mammograms and gave me an ultrasound and found a very small lump that I would never have found myself. They said that it was small, early and treatable as they are erring on the side that it is most likely the C word. My emotions are all over the place and it comes in waves. not really sure what to expect with what comes next. 

  • Hi, 

    I'm so sorry to hear you are so worried. I really know how you feel and hope that it turns out to be nothing.

    I found a lump 3 weeks ago and i remember feeling exactly how you describe. I anayslysed everything the doctor said and even down to body language and couldnt get of google!! One minute positive the next in tears.

    Unfortunately mine turned out to be cancer but fortunately early stages and low grade. Honestly I felt like I had been hit by a train when I found out. I've since had the lump removed and meeting an oncologist on Friday to sort out radiotherapy.

    Its all so quick my emotions are in complete waves too.

    I really hope you get good news from the biopsy but if not at least it was found and is treatable xx

  • Hi

    Thank you for your kind words. So sorry to hear that your turned out bad. I am expecting the same as they do kinda know by the look of things on the screen. (Hopefully they do have it wrong, but I doubt it). I hope the radiotherapy goes ok. Did they get the whole lot out with your lumpectomy and how big was it?? Sorry for all the questions. Thanks again xx

  • When do you get the results? I'll be thinking of you and manifesting all things good!

    When they explained they said they had got the whole lot out but didn't tell me the size (I should have asked!) but when I received the consultant letter it said there was some surrounding pre-invasive disease which I hope the Radiotherapy will kill. Thankfully my Lymph nodes were clear.

    I have always been quite fit and have always eaten really healthily (other than wine!) so when I mean it was a shock I still feel like I'm talking about someone else half the time!

    I hope you don't have to wait long, I found the waiting the worst bit because you cant help but think of every possible outcome what ever they tell you :(

    Hope your ok! xx

  • Hi

    Not sure when I will get them. The breast clinic said i will probably get a phone call next week to come up to the hospital to discuss the results. Yeah I know what you mean about it's like talking about someone else.

    Hopefully the radiotherapy will clear your lot once and for all. 

    When they done the ultrasound they checked the route it would take it it has spread and they said that it was clear., so fingers crossed that remains the same. 

    Thank you so much for these messages it really helps to know someone knows exactly what we are both going through 

    I will be thinking of you too and sending positive thoughts your way too.  Xx

  • Thank you for the message it does help so much but I still hope you aren't going through the same thing and they tell you its just a cyst or something like that!

    That's great news they said that from the ultra sound, it really sounds positive (I know its hard to be that though) when I got the results to say it was low grade everyone was saying how relieved I must be, which I was but I wasn't completely ecstatic because I still have cancer!! I still even find that hard to say.

    I hope you get the call sooner rather than later to stop the worry.

    Thank you for all your positive thoughts xx

  • Thank you. I will let you know how I get on. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long for your radiotherapy. Yeah I hate using THAT word. As you say it's the waiting that's the worst. Positive thoughts all round for us both. Xxx

  • Right back at you with the positivity! Let me know when you hear. Got everything crossed for you xxx

  • Hi Worried 1969 and Lf2024,

    I am glad that it sounds as if both of you have caught this early. Waiting for results is one of the hardest times of our cancer journey. It is a tremendous shock when you get a cancer diagnosis, although why it should be is irrational, when it affects 1 in 2 people. It is perfectly normal to find your emotions all over the place, to feel tearful, angry and at times, to feel as if this is happening to someone else. You will find that these feelings will settle down gradually, as you know what you are facing and begin your journey.

    I hope that you both get your results soon and that everything remains as positive. I was diagnosed with 2 bouts of early, low grade breast cancer. That was 14 years ago and I still lead a busy and fulfilling life - I'm sure that you will too.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you Jolamine. Glad your ok now and it does help to know that someone has went through this and is now ok. Xxx