Kidney cancer

My husband has been diagnosed with kidney cancer, this was five weeks ago, diagnosed by a ct scan, he has had one inconclusive biopsy and we are now waiting results of the second biopsy, it’s going on for 6 weeks now, my husband is really unwell with sickness and pain , I can’t stand this waiting and nobody is telling us if this pain is normal.

does any know if it is ?

  • Hello Carysh

    I'm sorry to hear that your husband has recently been diagnosed with kidney cancer and that currently, he's now waiting for the results of a further biopsy. It's understandable that this is a difficult time for you both. 

    Were you given contact details for a specialist cancer nurse after his diagnosis? Please do call them to let them know about the pain and sickness that he's struggling with. Alternatively, you can call his GP for advice and support. There are options for being able to manage these symptoms and if further tests are needed to investigate them then they can be arranged. 

    If you'd like to talk with one of our nurses for some support and advice you can call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    I hope that these symptoms are better managed in the near future Carysh and that you both have some answers soon. 

    Do keep in touch and let us know how things are. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hello Carysh, I am newly diagnosed with kidney cancer and I’ve been told I need to have my right kidney removed asap I’m sorry your husband is in so much pain  and you haven’t been given the help or clarification . Go to your  GP to at least give him something for the pain xx

     I have suffered a huge weight loss and I am starting to notice the pain but nothing as severe as your husband’s. Have you been told anything? I was told that I have a 5cm mass on my kidney over the phone but things are moving very fast in my case and I believe it’s a postcode lottery

    I am praying for a good outcome for both of us ️

  • I’m sorry to hear that you have a kidney cancer, we were also told over the phone, we were on our way to my sons wedding, I’ll never known how we got through that day, obviously we couldn’t say anything.
    I don’t know how large the tumour is but it has already sprung to lymph nodes so having the kidney removed wasn’t an option for us.
    Unfortunately my husband had to be admitted on New Year’s Eve as he was so unwell, his kidney function is too poor for any chemotherapy at the moment so the hospital are trying to improve that before starting treatment, I just hope that they can.
    It’s such a stressful and worrying time.
    Wishing you well and a speedy recovery after surgery