Anal Cancer & Prembrolizumab Corinth Trial

Hi -

I was diagnosed on the 14/9 and was due to start chemo & radiotherapy on 18/11 but haven’t yet had my radiotherapy prep yet because instead of having that on Tuesday 29/10 they now want to talk to me about going on this trial. 
I saw a post from someone on here with anal cancer who had this drug about 3 years ago and she posted that it has caused life changing side effects. 
Is anyone on this drug now? - for anal or other types of cancer that wouldn’t mind telling me how it is going. 
I’m worried also that if I agreed to go through the process of getting on this 6 month trial that it would significantly delay the start of my treatment which is supposed to be 28 rounds of radiotherapy over 5.5 weeks and Mitomycin & Capecitabine chemo. I’m stage T2 N2 and don’t want to delay any longer starting my treatment.  Thank you 

  • Hi Calia,

    I can understand this is a difficult decision - hopefully you'll get some more replies to your post here soon, particularly if anyone with similar experience sees it.

    Do of course discuss any questions or concerns you have with your doctor about what to potentially expect.

    Our nurses are also available if you'd like to talk things through. You can reach them on freephone 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi I’m newly diagnosed and saw the oncologist last week. I’ve been offered this trial. I’m waiting to speak to  a research  nurse. Have you made any decisions about this at all? I’m very undecided. 

  • Hi

    i I decided against it for a number of reasons once I’d had my meeting. Firstly it would have delayed the start of my treatment for a minimum of another month and I was told that when the prembolizumab was added in with chemo & radiotherapy from day 1 there had been some nasty radiotherapy burns. Only 5 people were on the trial & 3 hadn’t been able to complete due to this. I also thought that if my standard treatment is only 5.5 weeks why did I need to put myself though 6 months of extra treatment. Obviously it’s your decision I just didn’t feel it was right for me. I was diagnosed on 13/9 & only start my treatment in the 18/11 so I didn’t want delay it anymore. 
    hope you’re doing ok. I’m finding the waiting to get started the hardest x

  • Hi thank you for replying. I’m finding it difficult getting information. Even the research nurse who called me today was quite vague about the trial. I asked about people currently receiving it and she said she couldn’t discuss it. When I first read about the trial I thought I would take everything on offer but now I’m probably going to turn it down. The side effects of the regular treatment are going to be enough to cope with. 
    I don’t have a planning appointment through yet and just want to get started. Like you I don’t want to delay any more than necessary. 
    Good luck with your treatment!

  • Thank you. Yes there’s very little info out there on it. Once I’d had my radiotherapy planning scan they said it would be 2 weeks then to start treatment. 
    keep in touch let me know how you’re getting on x

  • Hi

    Well in the end I did in fact decide to go ahead with the Corinth trial! After weighing it up and discussing it with the oncologist I decided yes. At any time I can stop it if there are side effects, so I will be starting treatment next week.

    i had to go for my radiotherapy planning scan three times. First two times my bladder was too small. I hope your treatment is going well? 

  • Hi 

    Thanks for posting again I was wondering how you were doing. I think that’s a great way to look at it  I’m doing ok I’m on day 18 of 28 now.  I’m doing better than I expected I’m quite tender between my legs now  lots of swelling but I’ve been given 2 types of gels and pain.  I have to drink 600ml of water before each radiotherapy so my bladder is the same size for each treatment. The chemo hasn’t been too bad at all. 
    I hope everything goes well for you. Keep  in touch and let me know how you are getting on. 
    take care x

  • I’m on Pembrolizumab for melanoma. When I was first offered this treatment and given the most horrendous list of awful side effects, I made my mind up within minutes that zi wasn’t going to take it. I was so delighted when I’d made the decision but a few days later my Gp rang to see how I was getting on. When I told him about my decision to refuse the treatment, I knew instantly by his tome of voice that he was horrified. Anyway, I listened to his take on things and did a complete about turn!!  I’ve had 2 treatments with no dreadful or horrendous side effects. I did gave a rash across my back and chest but was given a wonderful cream and strong antihistamines to take daily. My life hasn’t altered in any way. I’m as fit as a fiddle. I dud hear from a man whose wife had had chemo etc., for either lung or bowel cancer which hadn’t been successful. Apparently she was only able to have 3 treatments of immunotherapy BUT the treatment kept working and her tumours shrunk completely. What a fantastic result. 
    if you are good enough health you should be absolutely fine hopefully. I met a lady on my first visit for treatment who was having her final one and also had little or no side effects that caused her concern. 
    I’m convinced that immunotherapy is the new and best treatment available for many cancers. 
    I hope this helps you in some way to make up your mind. 
    All good wishes to you. 

  • That is such a positive experience. Thank you for posting. My oncologist said she has to tell patients about the very worst case side effects. You are right reading all the side effects would put anyone off. Any medication, even paracetamol for a headache has side effects, it doesn’t mean everyone will get them. 
    I start my treatment and immunotherapy tomorrow. Fingers crossed for a positive experience x